By Robert Press
State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. has announced that he will be going in for “Knee Transplant Surgery,” and will be better than before. In fact, Senator Diaz said in a press release, he will become “The Bionic Senator.”
Diaz Sr. had the knee surgery on July 26th and according to him he will be out of action for 5 or 6 weeks to recover. Diaz Sr. adds that he knows that it is election time and with him up for re-election this bed rest will be torture for him. His doctor has told him that he will be back stronger, better, and faster which kind of reminds us of the television show years ago called “The Six Million Dollar Man.” You can read more at my blog at www.100percentbronx.blogspot.com.
The second trial of Councilman Larry Seabrook is over, and Seabrook this time was convicted on 9 of the 12 charges against him. This trial centered on the $177.00 bagel receipt that Seabrook had submitted to be reimbursed for which was said to be doctored. We wonder if it was a plain, sesame, poppy or everything bagel. Check my blog for comments on the decision.
Also go to my blog to see the car that current State Senate Minority Leader John Sampson is reported to have smashed up. The Ford Taurus valued at over $35,000 was totaled, but the cost of the crash now estimated at over $70,000 continues to mount as the other cars involved have their damage estimates revealed.
Hopefully the Con Edison lockout is over by the time you read this, but a Con Edison spokesman has admitted that outside contractors have been brought in to help during the lockout. He said that Con Ed is also paying for all expenses by the outside contractors which will be passed on to their customers. Since Con Ed is not paying its regular workers will their consumers then get a refund on that.
We don't have enough room to discuss the proposed sugary soda ban by Mayor Bloomberg, which will be approved by his puppets at the Health Department. We just hope that more city council members oppose the proposed ban like Bronx Councilman G. Oliver Koppell. By the way Council Majority Leader Joel Rivera where do you stand and why.
Lastly it appears that those 26 public schools that the mayor wanted to close for poor performance will get to stay open as was the court decision. We have to agree with the mayor about closing schools that perform poorly, but how many have been closed over and over again? By the way it is only a mirror of the mayor’s failed education policy when he only cracked down on the third and seventh grades by holding back students so that next year the 4th and 8th grade test scores would look better at the time of an election year. Since many students do not know the names of almost all of their elected officials and important people in history, we would love to know how many students know the name of the current mayor of New York City. Ed Koch, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Derek Jeter would probably top the list of countless names.
If you have another name that may top the list, have any comments about this column, would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at 100percentbronxnews@gmail.com. Or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.