Wednesday, September 16, 2015

#Politics: Moves as Hassel-Thompson Loses Big

#Politics: Moves as Hassel-Thompson Loses Big


By Robert Press

You Win Some/You Lose Some

In a surprise to many, but not to some current 36th District
State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson came in third in the race to be the Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon. 
Both Senator Hassel-Thompson and the soon to be former Mayor lost to Mount Vernon Councilman Richard Thomas. Thomas garnered almost 3,000 votes way ahead of Mayor Davis who received under 2,000 votes. Senator Hassel-Thompson was a distant third almost 500 votes behind the soon to be former Mayor Davis. What this means for the current State Senator who said that even if she lost the election for Mayor of Mount Vernon that she would not be running for re-election as the state senator from the 36th district in 2016 means will be found out next year, if not sooner. Also what does this do to candidates who had lined up to go after what they thought would be a vacant State Senate seat? One has to also wonder since Benny Catalia who has run so many successful campaigns for Bronx County elected officials, what went wrong? More on this and the 36thState Senate race in future columns, but I still like my choice Mr. Ricky Martinez in the 36th State Senate race in 2016. However as I always say – 'You never know what may happen next in politics.’
It was nice to see Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., Bronx DA Robert Johnson, City Councilman Andy King, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, Congressman Eliot Engel, and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (even if Heastie did not say a word to me), as well as the over 100 others who came to White Plains Road and the corner of East 229th Street this past Saturday to see the renaming of the street that runs along the Community Board 12 office in the name of the former CB 12 District Manager who passed away after countless years of work for the community and the community board. I only wish that CB 12 Chairman Father Richard Gorman regains his full health so he can return to his tireless work for the community and the Archdiocese he loves so much.
State Senator Jeff Klein was at it again last week co-hosting the Bronx HIRE job fair with the Bronx Chamber of Commerce, and then the next day in a school (one of the few that is actually working) with UFT President Michael Mulgrew. The school was the International School for Liberal Arts at the Walton Campus on Reservoir Avenue in Senator Klein's district which is one of the 'Community Learning Schools throughout the city that Senator Klein says is a win win for everyone, since the school is involved in more than just teaching, but in the whole community spirit of raising a child. You can go to my blog at to read more about the visit to the school, and to see photos of why the school works including the recently reopened swimming pool for the students to use.

Speaking of Job Fairs, on Tuesday September 22nd there will be a Job Fair at the Bronx County Building located at 851 Grand Concourse (at East 161stStreetfrom 11 AM – 3 PM in the courthouse Rotunda on the first floor. Over 200 positions are available through the New York Department of Labor and the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation. Job Seekers are urged to pre-register online at

The Kingsbridge Heights Neighborhood Improvement Association is having their annual fall Community Health and Wellness fair on Saturday September 26th from 10 AM – 5 PM on Reservoir Avenue between University Avenue and West 179thStreet, alongside the Jerome Park Reservoir. You can call KHNIA at 718-648-7550 for more information, or to be a part of the event.
Lastly, speaking of health one has to wonder just how Legionnaires Disease was found in the water supply at the Melrose Houses where tenants were given filters to filter the hot water Mr. Mayor? I ask that question since there are no cooling towers that are at the Melrose Houses, and it was explicitly said by you Mr. Mayor that the water supply was safe since Legionnaires Disease is found only in the water used in water cooling towers. I guess I am going to have to wear my Melrose Houses T-Shirt next time you have a press conference to ask you just how did Legionnaires Disease get into the water supply at the Melrose Houses? See you soon Mr. Mayor.
If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column, or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

#State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson #Politics

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