Monday, September 21, 2015

Amalgamated Bank Reopens in Co-op City

Amalgamated Bank Reopens in Co-op City

Amalgamated Bank, the preeminent bank of progressive people, organizations, businesses, and labor, reopened its Co-op City branch after completing a $600,000 renovation. 

Council Member Andy King, Assembly Member Michael Benedetto, Community Board 10 District Manager Kenneth Kearns, and Bronx Chamber Membership Director Marques Payne attended the grand opening, showcasing their support for the bank’s concerted effort to service Co-op City. Further demonstrating this effort, Amalgamated Bank presented a $1k check to Helen Keller P.S. 153 at the opening. The renovation, which boasts a brighter, more modern look and more privacy for customers, was completed entirely through local union labor.

“I am thrilled that after over 40 years of servicing this community, we are now fully renovated with a branch that is bigger and better. Today we celebrate a new look and feel while continuing uncompromising customer attention and affordable banking all from a bank they can trust,” said Amalgamated Bank CEO Keith Mestrich. “Co-op City is the largest cooperative housing development in the world, meaning that it is one of the world’s largest concentration of hard-working, middle-class families. Amalgamated Bank is proud to be able to serve them.”

Last month, Amalgamated Bank became the first bank to institute a $15 minimum wage for all of its employees.

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