
Monday, August 10, 2015

Political Shenanigans?

Political Shenanigans?
Mailer was a Mistake or Intentional?

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK (BRONX NEWS)- That is the question that Mr. John Perez wants answered as both the Board of Elections and Stanley 'King' Schlein (the man who helped write the book on election law) sent out a mailing to contact person John Perez without an apartment number resulting in the mail not being delivered. 

On July 9thMr. John Perez clocked in four petitions at the Board of Elections at 32 Broadway. I was able to get copies of all four petitions with the first BX 1500668 for the 78th A.D. with the Board of Elections time stamp July 9th10:59 p.m. over one hour before the deadline. Petition BX 1500669 for the 78th A.D., Petition BX 1500670 for the 85th A.D., and Petition BX 1500671 for the 79th A.D. All four petitions were clocked in by the Board of Elections at 10:59 PM July 9th 2015 well ahead of the deadline. 

Since he was an insurgent all four of Mr. Perez's petitions were challenged, and the challengers represented by election lawyer Stanley Schlein who is also the lawyer for the Bronx Democratic County organization. At the hearings Mr. Perez, a proud former Army NCO, came in uniform to show his character. I was not at the hearings held on Tuesday, July 28th, but the result was that the commissioners of the Board of Elections refused to accept Mr. Perez's argument that he was not properly served by the Board of Elections and election lawyer Stanley Schlein. It seems that both the Board of Elections and Mr. Schlein did not put Mr. Perez's apartment number on their correspondences to Mr. Perez. You see Mr. Perez lives in an apartment building of over 150 units, and told me there are at least three other families with the same last name. 

On July 30th I went to the post office that delivers the mail Mr. Perez gets. You can go to my blog at www.100percentbronx.blogspot.comarchive section on the lower left side to the month of July posting “ I Found the Missing Specs for the 78th, 79th, and 85thA.D.” to see photos of the four envelopes sent to Mr. Perez by election lawyer Stanley Schlein. You will notice that on none of the four envelopes sent by Mr. Sclein is there an apartment number. You also see markings by the carrier that the envelopes were undeliverable due to lack of apartment number. I was told that if the apartment number was left off intentionally that it could be taken as Mail Fraud which is a federal crime. I also asked where the envelopes sent by the Board of Elections were, and was told they were already sent back to the sender.

Not happy with what I was told at the post office I went the next day to the Board of Elections to see the executive Director Mr. Mike Ryan. I was told Mr. Ryan was unavailable, and then asked for Ms. I then asked for Ms. Valarie Vazquez who I worked with three years ago when I was investigating a similar problem. Ms. Vazquez was not in the building I was told, and her assistant Mr. Joshua Giaramita came out to talk to me. He assured me that Mr. Perez had left out his apartment number on all four petitions, and that was the reason that he did not receive any notice from the Board of Elections, and the reason all 4 petitions were thrown off by the commissioners. 

I was able to obtain copies of all four of Mr. Perez's petition cover sheets, with BX 1500668 the first one handed in pictured in the July 31st blog posting UPDATE. As you see there is clearly an apartment number listed, and I went back to Mr. Giaramita with this information since he was sure that no petition had an apartment number on it. I then asked Mr. Giaramita if the Board of Elections had gotten the returned mail from the post office since it could not be delivered. He could not answer that question, and said that he would have to get back to me. I informed him that I was told it could be interpreted as mail fraud by the postal service if leaving off the apartment number was done intentionally so the packages could not be delivered. I said that both the Board of Elections and Mr. Stanley K. Schlein (the other contact person) had not placed the apartment number on any correspondence to Mr. Perez. I had earlier showed Mr. Giaramita the photos of Mr. Schlein's packages with the postal carrier's comments that it was undeliverable.

I suggested that there be a second call on all four petitions since there had been an apartment number on the first petition which should have been the one gone by for an address, and said that the objections should be voided since there was no proof of service since Mr. Schlein had left off the apartment number either by mistake or on purpose. It will be up to Mr. Perez as to what to do if his petitions are not placed back in good standing, and his candidates not placed back on the ballot. A lawsuit of a conspiracy theory by both Mr. Schlein and the Board of Elections, or to make a federal case out of it.

Since I am on deadline and have not gotten any further comments from Mr. Giaramita, Ms. Vazquez, Mr. Ryan or anyone else from the Board of Elections I will have to say that there was 'NO COMMENT' from the Board of Elections.
#Politics #Bronx #BoardofElections

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