Friday, August 14, 2015

Donald #Trump Makes Republicans Squeamish

Donald #Trump For President

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK (BRONX NEWD)- It isn't often that I get to comment on debates, because here in the Bronx political debates are something of a rarity. I say that referring to this year's slaughter of insurgent candidates who tried to run for Judicial Delegates and/or Alternates by the Bronx Democratic County organization.

I am not anti County organization, and in fact I happen to like the new Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marco Crespo a lot and believe that he will do a much better job than his predecessor who I have already forgotten. However, as we see and hear in business competition is good for the consumer, but bad for those in business. It is also true that in a democracy (such as we are told we are living in) that primaries are good for the voters, because they will be given a choice and know that they have to go to the polls and vote for the person or people they want elected. 
This could be the reason voter turnout is so low here, the fact that people have lost confidence in the editorial system. People say there is only one choice in Bronx local elections (the Democrat), and the Bronx Democratic County organization challenges all challengers to the incumbents whether they are good or bad elected officials. That statement can be said because the election lawyer for the Bronx Democratic County organization the last 5 or 6 county leaders has been “King” Stanley Schlein who has knocked out more opponents than any boxer, including many of them put together. 

It appears that this seems to be true of the Republican National Committee during their first Presidential Debate. No true Republican wants Donald Trump to be the nominee of the Republican Party. This was seen in the very first and only question asked of all the candidates, if they would support the Republican Party nominee even if it was not yourself. All other questions were aimed at the only one person to answer true that he might not, Donald Trump. Every other question was asked only of one candidate, and when it came to Donald Trump it looked like the moderators (Conservative Fox Broadcasting) were waiting for Trump to miscue which he did on several occasions. 

To me it appeared as the debate went on it was to be a coming out party for Jeb Bush. I am sure that while Donald Trump will soon falter in the polls the candidate that gains the most will be Jeb Bush. One can Monday morning quarterback the debate and say that Donald Trump was looking past the debate in answering Miss Kelly's questions, and he was thinking of the Democratic candidate that everyone knows will be Hillary Clinton. Obviously either Trump or his advisers made a big mistake that may be fatal to his campaign, which has already been taken care of by some Republicans distancing themselves from Donald Trump. It looks like we will have a Bush - Clinton battle for the White House, and I for one hope that there is a third candidate in the race named Donald Trump. 
Check my Blog at for photos of several events that took place last week including the swearing in of the new Executive Board of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce. It great to see the unemployment rate keep shrinking due to the BCC, BOEDC, Bronx BP Diaz Jr., and the many other factors that are creating the new jobs for the 'New Bronx'
Lastly, I have been told by a few people that a certain 'Hired Mercenary' has a face book page where he is reproducing this column (in whole or in part) complete with his photo at the end and comments. I have not approved any other use of this column except in this newspaper the Bronx News or Co-Op City News or on the Bronx News website. I do not even reproduce this column on my own blog, and do not give permission for anyone else to do it. So if you see this on any facebook page it is an illegal reproduction which most likely is not the original column it was written as. 

If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column, or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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