Friday, July 31, 2015


Which Politician is Next to Go

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK (BRONX NEWS)- This past week saw two state senators removed from office after juries found them guilty after trials. 
Now former Republican Tom Libous was found guilty of lying to the FBI, while now former Democrat John Samson was found guilty of obstruction. Both trials were conducted by the U.S. Attorney's office, and the question is who will be next to go or be indicted. 

In watching the political rundown on New York 1 last Wednesday when it came to item 4 Albany vacations, the subject was the Governor's rafting and Assembly Speaker's upstate trip. Both commentators Gerston Berrero and Curtis Swila passed over the governor to talk about Speaker Carl Heastie. Berrero wanted to know if Heastie was getting paid for the trip upstate, and said that no Per Diem should be put in for. Swila on the other hand, held up a sign that had Heastie's name with 7 numbers with CAMP FED on the bottom saying you are going to one of the many Camp Feds Carl. After this part was over Berrero added to Swila “Give Carl a break he can get into trouble himself.” 
Speaking of Assemblyman Heastie, in my wanting to contact him there seems to be an innocent victim in his Bronx office. When Mr. Jamaal Bailey one of Heastie's staffers gave me the wrong number for the assemblyman's press person twice, the third time I went in Mr. Bailey was out to lunch. When I pressed the lone staffer she seemed to get nervous and the Chief of staff would not come out to answer my question as to when Mr. Bailey went out to lunch or when Mr. Bailey would be coming back from lunch. I have since taken down the photos of the innocent staffer, and offer my regrets if the posting was taken the wrong way by her or her friends or family. 

As for Assemblyman Carl Heastie, the U.S. Attorney must be closing in on you Carl as on your latest campaign filing of July 15th 2015 you finally put those items that were left off your last few filings, including the one dated June 10, 2010. Five years late, how do you explain that one Carl? After all I am going to have to ask you my questions in this column and wait to see if you give me or your constituents an answer. Next week another question Carl. As for the $6,500 item on April 8, 2015 to the Friends of Jamaal T. Bailey listed as a campaign contribution, you know it was sent to 30 Beaver Court Staten Island. I didn't know that Staten Island was in the district Mr. Bailey is to be running in. As for you Mr. Bailey there may be an assembly seat opening up soon that you are very familiar with where you can transfer that check to. 

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. held an event last week at Borough Hall to honor the new committee that was formed to run the 2015 Dominican Day Parade, and you can read more and see photos of the event on my blog at Also on my blog is a recap of Friday nights Abrazo Dominicana in New York by the old Team Diaz, that I now will call Team Crespo 2015. Check my blog to find out why I have renamed Team Diaz to Team Crespo, as Assemblyman and Bronx democratic County Leader Marcos Crespo ran the show. You will also see the latest member of Team Crespo Assemblyman Victor Pichardo who partook in the event. Also on the blog is Saturday's Van Nest Family Day held jointly by Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj and Luis Sepulveda who jointly cover the Van Nest area. 

On Tuesday August 5th the 52nd Pct. Will be having their National Night Out on Mosholu Parkway South between Van Cortlandt and Bainbridge Avenues, and you can see the flier on my blog. Also the Committee of 100 Democrats will be hosting their 11th Annual Free Community Barbecue on Saturday August 15th in the rear yard and huge parking lot behind 212 Lisbon Place the home of the Chairman of the Committee of 100 Democrats Mr. Ricky Martinez. This is off Mosholu Parkway and East 205th Street on the Grand Concourse side of the Parkway service road. The program is still being finalized, and will run from 1 – 6 p.m. See you there. 

If you have any political information that you want to share or have checked out, any comments about this column, or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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