Thursday, March 26, 2015

Only Lap Dogs Allowed?

Only Lap Dogs Allowed?

Organizers block reporters who ask questions on stealth homeless

Riverdale Report

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, MARCH 26- Last week, the Riverdale Press reported a so called exclusive on the vacant former Montefiore Medical Center site. I call it a So-Called exclusive, because the Riverdale elected officials chose not to ask this newspaper columnist to the meeting even though I have lived in Riverdale for over 35 years.

Could it have been my reporting on the next Bronx Democratic County Leader, my reporting on the new leadership in the state senate, or perhaps commentary of a sister newspaper the City News? So Riverdale Press it was not an exclusive, just payback for honest reporting. You of all newspapers should know that from the last two Democratic primaries, but then again your reporting was not always honest. By the way the editor of the other so called Riverdale newspaper was invited so you scooped him and not me.

Let’s go over the facts. There is no way that a 14-story luxury building will be built on the former medical center site. The community will want to lower it to 8 – 10 stories at most, which will not be profitable for Simone Developers the owner of the site. Quite frankly the site may have to be broken down into the parcels it originally started from, and then be constructed on individually. As you know the elected officials were wrong before on this site.

Speaking of our elected officials, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz was at the Riverdale Y last week with a check for $125,000 for the first 'Barrier Free Playground' in the Northwest Bronx. This will be the first all accessible playground to all children including those with special needs. This comes on top of a grant to the Y by Senator Klein to repair the entrance to the Y.

It seems that our photo last week of a Coalition for Homeless van parked in front of a rent-stabilized building in Riverdale has gotten some responses. Last week’s article (an exclusive) seems to be even more important now that Mayor Bill deBlasio has been robo-calling landlords offering a One-Thousand dollar bonus to landlords who will house the homeless. More in upcoming columns.

The March 30th meeting of the Community Board 8 Land Use meeting has five items on the agenda. Items 2 and 5 in the Fieldston Special Nature Area District, and both have to do with a change of windows or sash. Item 1 concerns the new fitness center at the West 230th Street and Broadway mall. Items 3 and 4 concern new buildings in Kingsbridge Heights. Item 3 is a discussion about a new proposal for the 3469 Cannon Place site by a new developer. Item 4 is about a 421-A application for a newly constructed 6 story 52 unit building at 3507 Fort Independence Street. There is however no mention of any proposal for the Riverdale/Oxford Avenue former Montefiore Medical Center site.

Lastly, don't forget to check my blog at for the weekly listing of upcoming events at Wave Hill, more on what you may read in this column, and the many photos of the events that are covered.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.  

#Riverdale #Homeless #Montefiore #Bronxnews

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