Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Drivers Boiling Mad After Blaz Tells Them to Move It

Drivers Boiling Mad After Blaz Tells Them to Move It

#Snow #Drivers #deBlasio

By David Greene

BRONX, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 11- For at least the last two weeks the city has suspended the alternate side parking rules, so the plowed snow has turned into blocks of ice that have encased vehicles across the borough and many Bronxites believe the city's decision to lift the suspension was just plain wrong.

The suspension was lifted on Tuesday, February 10, and many area drivers were furious with the decision.

One young woman who declined to give her name, had been busy breaking the ice for three-hours outside Herbert H. Lehman College in Bedford Park.

The woman blurted out, "It sucks man, because now I have to take the car and then I won’t find parking when I comeback because of all this ice."

"It's very difficult," the woman continued, "It took me three hours to get out of this spot. There's no way an elderly person can do this."

Asked if officials made an error in the decision, she replied, "Absolutely."

Carmen Ortiz was slightly older and a little more angry as she was breaking and shoveling the blocks of ice near Villa Avenue when she said, "It's stupid and ridiculous. I don't even think I can do it myself."

Ortiz eventually won her battle with the elements and as her reward, she was able to pull her truck out before being slapped with a $65 summons-- and traffic agents were on patrol.

Before leaving, Ortiz replied, "It's too cold and there's too much ice. I think the mayor made a mistake."

Another driver, iced in near Paul Avenue summed it up best, stating, "I think it's a mistake. I think they could have waited a couple of days when they have forecastered rain, that will wash it all away."

Another driver, Herman Vela, stuck on Jerome Avenue, also sounded off, "Even without the snow it's tough to find parking sometimes. I at least hope they take all the snow away, so we can park properly."

Vela added, "I think they made a good choice, because it's time now to move" the vehicles.

But when asked about his elderly neighbors, Vela replied, "Oh that's different man. I guess they have to find somebody to help them."

Wiley Norvell, a spokesman for Mayor Bill de Blasio was asked about the decision, when he stated, "The DOT (Department of Transportation) is the agency with jurisdiction over that, but obviously we all coordinate.

Norwell said the decision was decided by the DOT, Department of Sanitation and the mayor's office.

Norwell continued, "Anytime decisions are made about alternate side parking, whether to suspend it or reinstate, it's made in full coordination across multiple agencies."

Norwell then added, "Obviously, this has a lot to do with the Department of Sanitation and their ability to sweep the curb and that kind of stuff."

Norweel then ended the interview, asking for an e-mail request for any additional comment.

A written request was then sent to the mayor's office asking if they were planning on plowing the ice before the street sweeper moves in.

The DOT could not immediately say if it was 14 days or 18 days since the alternate side parking suspension went into effect-- during the suspension the city has issued $0 in summonses for alternate side parking.

A response from both the mayor's office and the Department of Transportation were not returned before the deadline for this article.  

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