Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hate Speech?

Hate Speech?

Accused Gunman Made Feelings Known about Cops
#NYPD #CopShooting

By Dan Gesslein

BRONX, NEW YORK, JANUARY 7- Before the bullet left his gun aimed for two police officers, Jason Polanco’s hatred of cops was on display. The Fordham man was arrested for wounding two cops after robbing a bodega.

Polanco’s Facebook page has photos such as two kids painting “F—- the Police” on a fence. Another had stick figures of an officer beating another figure on the ground stating: “Stop police brutality.”

News of Polanco’s views came to light after the arrest of the Fordham man for allegedly shooting two police officers. Monday night’s shooting, coupled with the such posts on social media, has police believing there is a war on cops. 

The shooting, coupled with the anti-cop rhetoric, is eerily similar to the assassination of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot the officers to death as they sat in their squad car in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Later it was revealed that Brinsley had posted messages of hatred toward the police on his social media accounts.

At this time it appears that Polanco allegedly opened fire to escape arrest and not simply target police officers.

Polanco was charged with attempted murder of a police officer, attempted murder, robbery, criminal possession of a weapon and assault. 

His partner, Joshua Kemp of Metropolitan Oval in Parkchester, was charged with robbery, grand larceny, criminal possession of a weapon and criminal possession of stolen property.

Cops say Polanco wounded Kemp when he opened fire on Officers Andrew Dossi and Aliro Pellerano. Investigators were on to Kemp when he went to a Manhattan hospital for treatment after being shot. 

Kemp was on parole for robbery and has a record of 10 arrests was busted for his part in the robbery which led to the double cop shooting.

Investigators said the shooting sprang from a robbery earlier. Members of the Anti-Crime unit responded to the armed robbery of PN Deli in Fordham. Surveillance video of the robbery show one gunman holding the employees on the ground, while his accomplice emptied the cash register.

When police approached Polanco at a Chinese takeout restaurant a short time later, the man is seen on surveillance video opening fire.

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