Monday, December 22, 2014

Words Kill

Words Kill
City Mourns 2 Cops Executed

#WenuanLiu #RafaelRamos #NYPD
By David Greene

BRONX, NEW YORK, DECEMBER 22- The month-long protests against the use of excessive force by members of the NYPD has apparently been put on hold-- as two of New York's Finest were shot dead execution-style on the street's of Brooklyn.

Patrolman Wenuan Liu and Rafael Ramos were shot dead as they sat in their patrol car on Saturday, December 20. Gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, would use the same gun to take his own life.

The following day the family of Eric Garner joined Reverend Al Sharpton in denouncing the use of violence against police officers.

Meanwhile, the NYPD has ended lone foot patrols of officers and the NYPD's Auxiliary force who patrol without weapons, has been discontinued until further notice. Officers across the nation have been put on a heightened alert. 

In reaction to the latest turn of events, Congressman Peter King told Fox News, "This is an absolute tragedy what occurred in New York, and it's really time for our national leaders, the president, it's time for the mayor of New York and really for many in the media to stop the cop bashing."

Rockland County Executive and former commander of the 47th Precinct detective squad Ed Day, stated, "To know that these brave men were murdered in cold blood should sicken us all... the cowardly act of senseless violence underscores the dangers faced by law enforcement every day."

Despite a pair of officers being assaulted on the Brooklyn Bridge on December 13, police gave Bronx protesters two extra minutes for a seven minute die-in outside the office of Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson's office on December 18.

Police Benevolent President Pat Lynch has publicly blamed Mayor Bill de Blasio for the deaths of the two officers and an online campaign reportedly has 50,000 signatures calling for the mayor's resignation.

Rumblings within the police union are even calling for ending all but the most urgent arrests made by officers. 

Meanwhile, police have announced a fourth arrest of individuals involved in the Brooklyn Bridge disturbance.   

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