Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Holiday Filled with Tears

Holiday Filled with Tears

Vigil Held as Locals Mourn with Pakistani, NYPD Communities

By David Greene

BRONX, NEW YORK, DECEMBER 30- A crowd of nearly 100 gathered outside of Christopher Columbus High School on Astor Avenue for a tearful candlelight vigil held for the 132 school children killed by members of the Taliban in Peshawar, Pakistan.

The event, hosted by members of the Bronx Park East Community Association on Sunday, December 21, also became somewhat of a vigil after police officer's Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were murdered in Brooklyn a day earlier.

Imam Mudassar Husdain of the Masjid Noor ul- Huda Mosque told mourners that the killings, "had nothing to do with Islam, nothing to do with Muslims and nothing to do with honoring our beloved prophet Mohammad."

Husdain added, "We all have different backgrounds, different beliefs, but we do not take each others lives in vain."

Speaking on both horrific acts, local official Joseph McManus said, "It's just a crime, in my opinion the people that performed these acts are cowards."

The crowd as diverse in age as it was in race and nationality then lit candles and held a moment of silence. The crowd would later be asked to sign a poster that would be sent to schoolchildren in Pakistan.

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