Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Where did the Muni-Meter Go?

Where did the Muni-Meter Go?

Riverdale Report
By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 26- It appears that after two very successful site visits to the 254th Street city park by the Metro North station the special Greenway Committee can get down to a little business. The next meeting of the special Community Board 8 Greenway Committee will be on Monday December 1st at the Riverdale YM/YWHA located at 5625 Arlington Avenue in the teen lounge starting at 7:30 p.m. Committee chair Phil Friedman was so jubilant during the tours, but he may not know exactly what he has gotten himself into as is the history of this Greenway project.

The last meeting of Community Board 8's Environmental and Sanitation committee proved to be more than just a lot of garbage. The city is now going to expand its composting project in the Bronx from the current Throggs Neck area to Riverdale on the other side of the Bronx. A spokesperson for the Department of Sanitation said that normally the city would expand out from the current pilot area, but that is hard to do in the Bronx. That is the reason a section of Community Board 8 from the city line down all the way on the West side of the Henry Hudson Parkway, and down to West 238th Street on the East side of the HHP. The project involves 2700 private homes who will be given a small composting bin free of charge by the city to hold their food waste products until the pick up date that will be the same as the current recycle day. Apartment buildings can join in, but the city right now is looking for at least 25 percent of the 2700 homes to join this pilot program before it is expanded.
The hope in the future is that the city can make a sizable dent in the waste that has to be sent to landfills outside of the city and state. Currently city garbage is trucked, trained, and boated to landfill areas at a huge cost to city residents. The less garbage the city would have to cart away the less it would cost, and save taxpayers money.

Lastly, check my blog at to see or should I say not see a Muni Meter that was missing from its base. To make matters worse the other Muni Meter on the block was out of order. If you are using a credit or debit card in these meters you should check to see that there is no scanner placed inside the opening to skim the card. There is a question of why so man of these Muini Meters will not take quarters, but only cards. This is happening on White Plains Road as well as on Riverdale Avenue, so be careful.

Lastly I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and thank those who have helped this holiday by giving or volunteering so that the less fortunate would also have a Happy Thanksgiving.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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