Thursday, October 16, 2014

Comic Con

Bronxites get their Geek on at Comic Con 
(Photos by Robert Press & Seitu Oronde)

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, OCTOBER 16- As you can see by some of the photos there were many different attractions for the attendees.

The amount of people who attended surpassed last year, but in speaking to many people the impression was that Comic Con 2013 was a little bigger, and a little better. Since Comic Con is a mixture of comic and real action stories there will always be the many comic book sellers, as was seen at this year's event. There were celebrities in attendance, and of course the fees for autographs or photos that come with them. There seemed to be plenty of free autographs and merchandise that was also available at many of the booths. The big publishers with several spots had their artists signing free samples of various comics. Many of those in single spots were part-time artists and publishers who printed much less copies, and only had a few different items on display.

I met a Bronx based small part-time artist/publisher who said he has a full time job to support his family. His company was called Section Eight Comics which immediately drew my attention. We spoke for about a half hour as to how the name came about, and where he was located in the Bronx. I then remembered that I had seen him at Comic Con 2013, and he still had some of his work from then. I wished him well and moved on to the next booth.

I met the lovely Amanda Rivera who was poised at one booth. Amanda said that she is from the Wakefield section of the Bronx. When I told her that I was from the Bronx News she replied that she reads the paper, and can not wait to see herself in the paper. Enough said so I'll end it here so there will be room for more photos of Comic Con 2014.

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