Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Senator Klein Re-Elected

Riverdale Report

By Robert Press

Senator Klein Re-Elected

BRONX, NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 10- While this column is being written before Primary day 2014, the headline should be correct.

I say it that way because in the 34th State Senate race challenger, Oliver Koppell, turned into almost everything that he had accused Senator Klein of being. From the very first word in the debates to the mailings by candidate Oliver Koppell, he attacked Senator Jeff Klein since Oliver Koppell had no record to run on. Senator Klein did not have enough time in the debates or room on his mailings to extol his proven track record, which reached new heights for the 34th Senate District, New York City, and New York State in the past two years. He has proven that he deserves to be re-elected and received the endorsement of almost everyone, and almost every union.

In a mailing from candidate Koppell that disturbed me the most, there was the four-page review of his endorsements all 11 or 12 that is, if the Riverdale Press really endorsed candidate Koppell. The list is unimpressive especially with Betsy Gotbaum who had to be the worst Public Advocate, and the reason then Mayor Bloomberg wanted to get rid of the office at the top. There is a photo of candidate Koppell at a rally, but it is of candidate Koppell running for Attorney General with the words State Senate under the photo. By the way, Oliver Koppell was never elected Attorney General; he was anointed by the New York State Assembly to fill the vacant position. The words 'Vote to end corruption in Albany' are also below of the AG photo, and we see how good a job AG Koppell did.

As for the Riverdale Press endorsement, the back page of the mailing has the New York Times endorsement – 'We enthusiastically support Mr. Koppel in this district'. Right under the New York Times endorsement is the Riverdale Press editorial 'Editorial: The honorable Mr. Koppell', with the words at the bottom of the page saying 'On September 9th Vote for Oliver Koppell.' In checking the September 4th Riverdale Press (the last before Tuesday's Democratic primary) the headline of the editorial reads 'Yes, you must vote.' In the very last paragraph they say that they never endorse a candidate, and upon rechecking the Koppell mailer carefully I noticed the date of the Riverdale Press supposedly endorsement is November 7, 2013. Also in the September 4th paper however are two half page ads for candidate Koppell that appear in no other local newspaper. One on the back page, and one on the page opposite the editorial where letters to the editor are usually found. The question is, did the Riverdale Press silently endorse Oliver Koppell as its many articles the past weeks would also indicate, or did candidate Oliver Koppell try to device the voters into thinking that the paper had endorsed him?

The movie in the park (Vinmont Park) for September 6th was canceled due to the alert of heavy winds and rain in the forecast that day. There was no mention of any rescheduling of the movie.

Finally, last week the Broadway Mall at West 230th street opened up with Aldi market welcoming in the shoppers. Aldi is a store that features lower prices on most items, but the catch is that there is a very limited supply of non store branded items, and no fresh meat, fish, deli, or bakery departments. Boxes are cut open and stacked for display. Many customers liked the lower prices, but some also said that miss the brands they but most. To see photos of the new Aldi market you can go to my blog at

If you have any political news that you want to share, any comments about this column, or have an event that you would like to have listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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