Friday, July 11, 2014

F-Bomb Dropped

F-Bomb Dropped

Security Throws Exec Out After He Tells President:
`You have no f------idea what you’re doing’

By Michael Horowitz

BRONX, NEW YORK, JULY 11- Riverbay president Cleve Taylor, e-mailing his fellow board member said that Herbert Freedman cursed at him by saying the following: “You have no fucking idea what you’re doing.”

Taylor said that he will not tolerate having anyone at the Riverbay Corporation speak to him in such an offensive manner.

“The Riverbay Corporation is a place of business, and language like this has no place in a professional setting in which all of us are supposed to be treating each other with respect,” Taylor stressed.

The Riverbay president emphasized, “I think that Mr. Freedman now understands that he is expected to treat everyone in the workplace with respect. Just because we don’t agree on something, it doesn’t mean that we have to be disagreeable.”

Then Co-op City Public Safety officers, acting on the instructions of Riverbay president Cleve Taylor escorted Herbert Freedman out of the community’s executives after the top management executive reportedly cursed at the Co-op City’s board’s president.

Taylor said he directed Public Safety officers to escort Freedman out of his office, Monday, after the management executive refused to leave on his own.

The Riverbay president said Freedman is expected to continue working for Co-op City’s management during an anticipated transition period to new direction for the community’s housing company.

“Mr. Freedman will be welcomed back to work tomorrow,” Taylor said. “I have told Herb (Freedman) that we expect him to continue coming to work for the foreseeable future.”

The top Riverbay executive owns a cooperative apartment on Park Avenue. Some shareholders, commenting after the News revealed his ownership of his $4.9-million apartment, have said that Freedman became extremely wealthy while managing Co-op City’s day-to-day operations.

Freedman, who has refused to answer questions from the News for months, failed to respond to an e-mail from the newspaper seeking his comments relating to the blow-up between Taylor and him.

Taylor said Freedman cursed at him after the Riverbay president condemned the management executive for wasting Co-op City’s corporate assets and accumulating increasing debts for the housing company.

“My condemnation of Herb and the legacy he has left for the Riverbay Corporation was not a reason for him to curse at me,” Taylor said. “I won’t tolerate anyone talking to me or anyone else in the Riverbay Corporation’s offices.”

On Monday afternoon and Monday evening, talk of the blow-up between Freedman and Taylor was the talk of the day in the vicinity of the Bartow Avenue Shopping Center.

One long-time worker, who wished to remain unidentified, noted, “I heard that Cleve told Herb he could come back to work if he learned how to talk to people. I can’t stand the people in the management office, especially Herb Freedman and Riverbay Executive General Manager Vernon Cooper. Things are really getting down and dirty at Riverbay. The sooner these people from Marion Scott Real Estate leave, the better.”

Another long-time worker, calling the News said, “I’ m sorry to bother you this late at night, but I wanted to ask you if you heard what happened. Co-op City will be much better off if Herb Freedman never comes back. Hopefully, his expulsion from Co-op City earlier today will be the beginning of getting rid of Freedman, Cooper, and the other obnoxious people who have controlled Co-op City’s management for far too long.”

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