Monday, July 14, 2014

Bring Back #Stop-n-Frisk?

Bring Back #Stop-n-Frisk?
Activist Blames Mayor for Shootings

By Michael Horowitz

BRONX, NEW YORK, JULY 14- Civic activist Frank Belcher said Mayor de Blasio’s decision to overturn the city’s stop-and-frisk policy has triggered a recent spike in shooting in various parts of the city.

Belcher, a vocal supporter of Mayor Bloomberg’s aggressive approaches to fighting crime, stressed, this week, that de Blasio, through his words and deeds, has fostered an atmosphere of permissiveness among those who might be considering breaking the law.

“If we’re not careful, we’re going to see shootings in the city like they now have in the city of Chicago,” Belcher stressed. “As a society, we have to be far more concerned about victims of crime than about the rights of those who commit crimes. In short, we have to stop coddling the criminals.”

Belcher added, “The city needs to re-institute Mayor Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policy. The city had a much better handle in the fight against crime when Bloomberg was our mayor.”
The civic activist stressed, “Mayor Bloomberg, unlike his successor, understood that you can’t coddle criminals. He understood that aggressive action was needed to prevent the criminals from getting the upper hand over law-abiding citizens.”

Belcher’s comments in support of Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policy were similar to those expressed, this week, by State Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr.

Diaz said that the city needs to re-institute the stop-and frisk policy to stem the recent tide of violence that has victimized New Yorkers, especially those in minority communities.

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