Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Bronx Week is Here

Bronx Week is Here

(Photo by Seitu Oronde)

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, MAY 7- The official start to Bronx Week is Thursday, May 8th. Bronx Week will run through Sunday, May 18th ending with the Annual Bronx Week Parade across Mosholu Parkway, and the Music and Food festival that follows the parade. You can go to , scroll down to the Bronx Week calendar of events to see Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.'s letter of invitation to the events, and then browse the six full pages of events that are scheduled. As always there may be some additions that may not be listed or changes to events due to unforeseen circumstances. At the end of each event you will see that the event is free or in the case of a few events there may be a small charge due to the cost of running the event. There are also e-mail listings or phone numbers to call to reserve your place at an event or if you want more information on the event listed.

Bronx Week is being kicked off on Monday. May 5th with the official announcement by Bronx Borough President Diaz, and his wonderful staff needs to be thanked not only for the great jobs they do every day, but in putting together Bronx Week schedule of events. You will see me at some of the events and as I have the past few years I will cover the Bronx Week Parade along with the Music and Food Festival that you do not want to miss. Hopes are for good weather, but the parade and festival has, and will go on rain or shine. Check my blog at for recaps of events from Bronx Week, and the many photos of the events.

The 13th Congressional race is heating up now with four official candidates. While it is a two-candidate race between the incumbent Congressman Rangel and his opponent from two years ago there are two other candidates one of which may be the difference in the Democratic primary. Things are different this year as Congressman Rangel's base has shrunk even more, while his opponent State Senator Adriano Espaillat's base has increased. While there were three other candidates in the last election those three candidates drew more votes from Senator Espaillat than Congressman Rangel. This year is another story as Senator Espaillat has picked up many of the Bronx endorsements that Congressman Rangel had in the last election, and the candidate coming out of Congressman Rangel's base is much stronger that the last election. He will pull more votes away from the congressman which should be the deciding factor in what many believe will be the defeat of Charles Rangel. The Hispanic candidate put up by “Political Venturing Businessman” Richard Soto will only help State Senator Espaillat since she is unknown and has little resources, unlike the past election where the other candidates drew votes from Senator Espaillat.

The Bronx State Senate race that should provide enough excitement is the 33rd State Senate race where the two previous incumbents have wound up on jail, and current 33rd State Senator Gustavo Rivera still has not answered the question I placed in this column two months ago. I repeat my question to Senator Gustavo Rivera since the acquisitions of election fraud against the good senator from the 2013 special election for the 86th A.D. have disappeared. Gustavo Rivera are you wearing a wire for the U.S. Attorney or any other law enforcement agency?
The question refers to acquisitions of election fraud in the special election to replace former 86th A.D. Assemblyman Nelson Castro where candidates who did not win accused Senator Rivera of several election fraud violations which appeared in several news outlets including this paper. Assemblyman Castro was found to be wearing a wire for four years when charges of election fraud against him disappeared so he could become a government informant. As for the most recent charges of election fraud against Senator Rivera Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson told me that I would not believe whatever he would say, and then said that he could not comment on anything that may be under investigation. Is there a third elected officials from the 33rd state senate seat in a row under investigation, and possibly headed to jail in the somewhat near future? By the way Senator Rivera's will have a real opponent running against him this year that being Councilman Fernando Cabrera.

Lastly close to 600 people came out in the pouring rain to the Bronx Conservative Party Dinner last Wednesday night. Bronx Conservative Party Chairman Bill Newmark did not disappoint those who braved the rain by having an exciting program with awards to several prominent people in business, public service, and politics. The big hit of the night was the Man of the Year Award which was given to Buffalo Businessman and past candidate for governor Mr. Carl Palidino. Palidino was very honest in telling some great political stories including that he wants to help this year’s Republican candidate for governor Rob Astorino. First however Palidino said that he has to get rid of the New York State Republican Leader Ed Cox who Palidino said needs to be replaced if the NY Republican Party is to move forward and regain its lost power. Check my blog at for more on the Conservative Party dinner and the photos of the many who attended.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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