Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sedar hailed as a success

Sedar hailed as a success

BRONX, NEW YORK, APRIL 16- Almost 30 persons participated in the community Seder sponsored by Temple Hatikva this past Sunday evening at the synagogue. The Seder was conducted by Cantor Kyle Cherry and Rabbi Harry Hertzberg, and all participants read from the special “Hatikva Haggadah”, retelling the story of Passover (the Exodus from Egypt) and singing special holiday songs.

Directly after the Seder, a Kosher Passover feast was served, including chicken soup with matza balls, chopped liver, salad, roast chicken, potato & noodle kugels and traditional Passover desserts.
It was a wonderful evening, with everyone enjoying the traditional Passover foods during the Seder, including Shmura Maztza, bitter herbs and charoset.

Cantor Kyle thanked all those in attendance for their wonderful participation. He noted:“Everyone took part in this beautiful Seder.

It was a pleasure to hear all these voices enthusiastically sing the
traditional Passover songs.”

Rabbi Harry added: “We are grateful to the Bronx Jewish Community Council and its Executive Director Brad Silver for partnering with us in bringing this magnificent event to our friends and neighbors. This Seder was truly a joint effort of the Jewish community and was a great success!”

Temple Hatikva is located at 2440 Esplanade, Bronx, NY. For more information about Temple Hatikva or any of our programs, please call Temple Hatikva at (917) 453-7557 or contact us at

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