Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Police Commish Talks to Monroe Students

Police Commish Talks to Monroe Students

BRONX, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 26- NYPD Commissioner William Bratton spoke to a gathering of Monroe College School of Criminal Justice students during a meeting of the Latino Officers Association in the college’s Mintz Auditorium.

After visiting with a number of Monroe administrators, the Commissioner addressed the audience of more than 275 about a variety of criminal justice issues. He also took questions from the Latino Officers members as well as Monroe students.

In response to a query about the need for the Department to work closely with local communities, the Commissioner was emphatic.

“That is such an essential element of what we need to do,” he said. “We the police can’t do it by ourselves. We need to do it in partnership. A lot of the trust we lost because of the stop question and frisk is so critical because if they don’t talk with us, trust us to use information, we can’t do it by ourselves. We need information, we need participation, and we need cooperation. And you get that by having trust.”

“We are grateful to the Latino Officers Association and Commissioner Bratton for coming to the Bronx and Monroe,” said School of Criminal Justice Dean Michele Rodney. “These kinds of activities bring the real world of education to life for our students.  This will make them more enthusiastic about their studies and also give them a better sense of what they need to do to achieve when they become CJ professionals.”

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