Wednesday, February 26, 2014

3 Arrested in Melee with Co-op City Security

3 Arrested in Melee with Co-op City Security

By Michael Horowitz

BRONX, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 26- Three young men were arrested in Co-op City after a major fight with Public Safety officers in the vicinity of the Dreiser Loop Shopping Center.

The fight, in which backup from the NYPD was required, reportedly involved 40 to 50 patrol cars from the NYPD and the Public Safety Department.

The melee, which Public Safety officers could not control on their own, involved young men from outside of the community.

Arrested were Antwan Dunmeyer, 20 of the Bronx; Draypon Ulysses, 26 of Manhattan, and Mark Pointer, 25, of Manhattan. Dunmeyer and Ulysses were charged with resisting law-enforcement officers, while Pointer was charged with resisting law-enforcement officers and resisting arrest.

According to unconfirmed reports, the scuffle with Public Safety officers occurred following a party in the local community.

The melee sent shockwaves through the community, with a number of shareholders calling the News to express concern about violence in the community.
The fight between Public Safety officers and young men last Saturday night raised serious questions about the proper roles of the Public Safety Department and the NYPD.

In many cases, Co-op City shareholders reportedly call the Public Safety Department before they call “911” when a violent incident is in progress.

The NYPD, through superior equipment and training, is better equipped than Co-op City’s Public Safety Department is in terms of dealing with violent criminals. 

However, many shareholders reportedly call the Public Safety Department first because the department’s officers usually respond more quickly because of their close proximity to the community.

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