Friday, October 4, 2013

What’s Going On at Wave Hill

Have I impressed upon you how pleased we are that wellness programs now continue year-round? Picture this Saturday morning: a session of Tai Chi, then a light lunch in The Café and a mosey over to Glyndor Gallery for artist talks that focus on the richly diverse work in the fall group show. Or this Sunday morning at Wave Hill: Yoga or Meditation, followed by a light lunch and then a lively cooking demo with local beekeeper and mead-maker Roger Repohl. How lovely to know that rain or shine, warm or chilly, those wellness sessions await your weekend mornings.

Choi’s sculptural installation in Wave Hill’s fall show, Tandem Pursuits, uses antique silverware, antique chain mail, metal and string to create a school of fish swimming in the mouth of the fireplace in south gallery. It’s just one of many interesting takes on the connection between armor and fish that is at the heart of the show.

October 19- Tai Chi Chuan

Quiet like a mountain, moving like a river, Tai Chi is a sequence of gentle movements based on images found in nature.In this beginner-level class, Irving Yee, a member of the William CC Chen Tai Chi School, introduces students to the internal martial arts and promotes an awareness of its benefits. 

Sessions are held outdoors only and are weather dependent. Call (718) 549-3200 x245 by 8 a.m. on the day of the class for program updates. Session fee: $23/$15 Wave Hill Member. Registration opens onsite at 9:30 a.m.
Meet at the Perkins Visitor Center, 10 - 11 a.m.

October 19- Family Art Project

What is the first letter of your first name? Have you ever wanted to see it shine? Now is your chance to turn it into an emblem as we make our projects shimmer and shine, inspired by former Wave Hill resident Bashford Dean’s armor. 

Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.
Wave Hill House, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

October 19- History Walk

Discover the fascinating history of Wave Hill’s architecture and landscape on a walk with a Garden Guide. This season, tours focus on Wave Hill House, recently reopened after a two-year renovation. 

Hear about the people who once resided in this splendid Hudson River mansion, among them Mark Twain, Arturo Toscanini, Bashford Dean and Theodore Roosevelt.  Free, and admission to the grounds is free until noon.

Meet at the Perkins Visitor Center, 11 a.m.

October 19- Artists’ Talk
The curators of Wave Hill’s fall exhibition, Tandem Pursuits: Armor & Ichthyology, lead a gallery talk with exhibition artists, who share the concepts behind their work, as well as their research about fish and/or armor. 

Free with admission to the grounds.
Glyndor Gallery 2 p.m.

October 20- Bird Walk

Just for members! Enjoy special access to the grounds on quiet autumn mornings before we open to the public. 

Naturalist Gabriel Willow leads this early morning bird walk. Recommended for ages 10 and older. 

Although this event is free for Wave Hill Members, registration is required, online at, by calling (718) 549-3200 x305 or at the Perkins Visitor Center.
Meet at Wave Hill front gate at 8 a.m.

For more information call (718) 549-3200. On the web at

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