Thursday, October 24, 2013

Joe Lhota Comes to the Bronx

By Robert Press

We Found Joe Lhota

BRONX, NEW YORK, OCTOBER 24- Maybe it was our front page photo of Republican Mayoral candidate Joe Lhota on a milk carton as missing from the Bronx two weeks ago, but since then Lhota has come to the Bronx twice. 

First it was in Coop-City, and then this past Sunday to a legislative breakfast in Riverdale. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani won big in Riverdale, but times were different then. Lhota even promised to return to Riverdale two times before the November election. It seems while those at the legislative breakfast welcomed him few if any who attended are going to vote for Joe Lhota for mayor. I was told Lhota's opponent Bill deBlasio was out of town. DeBlasio has been to the event in the past in his capacity as Public Advocate. You can go to my blog at to read more about the breakfast and see the many photos of the event. One of the photos is that of current MTA board member Charles Moerdler chatting with the former head of the MTA. Moerdler and Lhota had words during one MTA board meeting, but Mr. Moerdler said that he and Mr. Lhota have a cordial relationship. I would take that as a no vote. One of the honorees was Mr. Jeffrey Moerdler (son of Charles Moerdler) who heads the Riverdale Hatzolah Volunteer Ambulance.

Is Bill deBlasio making some mistakes on his way to city hall? While the latest polls have deBlasio well ahead of Joe Lhota with no other minor candidate close to Lhota, what is Bill deBlasio thinking when he says he supports Mayor Bloomberg's efforts to ban sugary sodas over 16 ounces. After clearing up his statement a little deBlasio said that it is the obesity problem that plagues New York City children, and that is where he agrees with the policy efforts of Mayor Bloomberg.

While the Democratic Primary is the race to win in the Bronx there is still a general election on Tuesday November 5th. In the 15th City Council race Democratic Primary winner Ritchie Torres still may have a tough race in November, because while he won a six person primary one of his opponents from that primary faces Torres one on one in the General Election. This past Monday Democratic candidate for the 15th city council seat held a fund raiser. You can go to my blog to see just who showed up to this fund raiser being given by Bronx County Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie.

Norwood received a slow zone thanks to the hard work of Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj and Jeffrey Dinowitz. This Norwood slow zone encompasses the Williamsbridge Oval, two schools, and five different early learning centers. As to just where the dividing line in the slow zone of the two assembly districts is, both assemblymen answered it is a joint slow zone with no seams.

What happens when there is a proposal to build something the community is against. This past Monday Community Board # 4 held a protest to a proposed Tier II Transitional Facility on the Grand Concourse. In a letter to the president and CEO of Housing Bridge Inc. CB 4 outlined that they sympathize with the individual and or families in need of such services, but cannot and will not support efforts to secure approval from DHS to acquire 42 units at 1387 Grand Concourse. CB 4 goes on to site “fair share” as an issue, and the lack of community participation in the process.

Finally there may be more delays at the now way over budget ($2 billion over budget) Croton Water Filtration Plant being built in Van Cortlandt Park. I received word about an investigation that may halt the project for up to two more years as certain things get double checked and triple checked before the plant can be operational. This could be one reason that the DEP cut down on the number of meeting from one a month to one a quarter. Just what is the DEP hiding now?

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an announcement listed or event covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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