Monday, August 12, 2013

Good Samaritan Stabbed to Death

Man Killed Breaking up Fight in Hunts Point

Photo by David Greene

By David Greene

BRONX, NEW YORK, AUGUST 12- A Connecticut man breaking up a fight between two women at a house party in Hunts Point had a knife plunged into his chest for his efforts.

Officers from the 41st Precinct were called to a top floor apartment at 855 Bryant Avenue at 7 a.m., on August 10, where police say an all-night party had taken place.

Officers discovered the victim, identified by police as Ronis Garcia, 28, of Norwalk, Connecticut, with one stab wound to his chest. One source stated that a bloody knife was recovered from the apartment.

Garcia died upon his arrival at Lincoln Hospital.

As both women claimed the other did the stabbing, after a 17-hour investigation police charged Nereline Santana, 21, of the Bronx, with second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon.

Cops also charged Carmen Puerto-Cruz of Longview, Texas, with second degree assault stemming from an earlier incident at the party.

Santana refused to answer reporter's questions of, "Why'd you do it,?" as she was led out of the 41st Precinct, still wearing her party dress--Only now in handcuffs.

One detective summed it up, "It looks like he was trying to be a good Samaritan, and this is what he got for trying to help."

Several unconfirmed reports say Garcia was Santana's ex-husband, but that could not be immediately verified.

A judge has ordered Santana be held without bail.   

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