Monday, August 12, 2013

Community Plays Hardball with Strippers

Doesn’t A-Rod have enough distractions? 

BRONX, NEW YORK, AUGUST 12- Community leaders are fuming over a sign promoting a strip club in the shadow of Yankee Stadium.
The following letters was sent to OTR MEDIA GROUP, Inc. calling for the removal of a sign advertising Scores strip club in the shadow of Yankee Stadium.
To whom it may concern:
As District Manager of Community Board Four, I write to inform you that we have received several complaints regarding the choice of advertisement currently displayed above 103-107 East 161st Street.  While we respect your right to contract and post advertisements, we feel this particular ad is simply not appropriate for the area and not the image that we have fought hard to change.
We pride ourselves as the Capital District of the Bronx. Our district is a great place to visit, work and live. We are the host community to the world renown, Yankee Stadium, The New Gateway Center at the old Bronx Terminal Market, the Bronx Museum of the Arts and many Art Deco buildings along the Grand Concourse Historic District. We just recently developed and renovated recreational facilities, such as, tennis courts, a state of the art track & field and a new water front park.  We are the administrative center of the County, housing the offices of the Borough President, The District Attorney, the Courts and the County Clerk. 
We are a community of contrasts. Sleek silhouettes of art-deco buildings are a short stroll away from lovely small homes. Acre for acre we have more parks throughout our two square miles than any other district and as such we have experienced a commercial, residential and economic revival, nearly 200,000 residents celebrate our resurgence, and welcome new cultures, languages, hopes and dreams of the many new Americans making this district their home, from around the globe. We celebrate their distinct and varied positive contributions.
While the ad itself is not overtly suggestive, we believe this to be an issue of image and mindset not morality. It is our hope that you understand and so we respectfully ask that you remove said advertisement and place one that does not directly contradict the change and changes we have for the area. 

Jose Rodriguez
District Manger

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