Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A-Disgrace that Suspended Player Still Playing

Not good for the game of baseball because A-Rod is allowed to stay on the field

By Rich Mancuso

BRONX, NEW YORK, AUGUST 6- Goodbye Alex Rodriguez? The game of baseball, New York Yankees and fans of the game can’t say that. Because of an appeal stipulation, A-Rod and the stigma of steroids, known as PED’s continues. If it was in the best interests of the Yankees, the third baseman would not be on the field in Chicago and batting cleanup.

You can say due process here has been provided, that MLB Commissioner Bud Selig has granted the troubled A-Rod his time to appeal. Now the game goes on, A-Rod plays, and the drama continues. But, those in baseball would rather see a conclusion to this steroid mess, especially as it revolves around the biggest cheater this game has seen.

His name is, Alex Rodriguez.

If the powers that be continue to ban Pete Rose from the game, baseball’s all-time hits leader, because of gambling on his own team, then A-Rod should be banned. Because Rose used his instincts of a gifted ballplayer, not PED’s when hitting the ball to left, right, and center.

In the end though, as much as the Yankees want A-Rod and a hefty contract to go away, if he powers them back in the pennant race, perhaps all will be forgotten. But will it be a thing of the past?

Probably not, because the damage has been done as the Yankees go down in history as employing the most lucrative player in the game, and one who has never been honest about his actions. Monday, A-Rod said in Chicago, there will be a proper time to explain what this has been all about.

However, baseball has spoken. The Yankees know, as do the fans, A-Rod has become the biggest farce to play the game we all have come to love. And he used performance enhancing drugs to propel him as one of the best, to become a member of the elite 600-home run club.

And at one time, we all thought A-Rod would honestly become baseball’s all-time home run leader, at least we thought so. As we know now, due process and all, A-Rod has been nailed and could not get away with becoming the biggest farce to play the game of baseball.

So, if you are a fan of Alex Rodriguez, and continue to be, that is your prerogative. Consider he has been nothing but a burden to the great New York Yankees organization. Answering for A-Rod became a dilemma the past few months for manager Joe Girardi, GM Brian Cashman and the hierarchy we hardly hear from that run the Yankees.

Hal and Hank Steinbrenner are not like their late father. Had George still been with us, and as much the elder statesman advocated signing A-Rod to that hefty $250 million contract, the stigma and embarrassment to the Yankees would have heard him say, “Void the contract.”

Because Alex Rodriguez is wearing pinstripes, and is the main culprit of the biggest scandal and issue the game of baseball has seen, does anyone in their right mind believe the late George Steinbrenner would have been in the corner of Alex Rodriguez?

If you are a fraud and a cheater, then dues process here works and your belief in A-Rod will continue. Those who play fair and know the parameters, realize how difficult it is to achieve success and reach major league stardom. Just ask the majority of major league players who are there now, the young people who play the game and hope one day to have the experience that Alex Rodriguez received.

And to fans of the New York Yankees, many will or will not care about the alleged wrongs that A-Rod has been accused of. They won’t care, if A-Rod indeed propels the Yankees back to playoff contention in the remaining games of August and September.

However, baseball fans and the players who play fair, they do care. Alex Rodriguez said Monday the last seven months have been a nightmare to him. Not counting his surgery to another hip and the rehab process he helped created the nightmare his life has become because of the Biogenesis steroid scandal.

He said, “I am thrilled and happy to put on the uniform again,” of the New York Yankees. That he is “Fighting for his life,” as a 200-game suspension hangs in the balance.

Don’t forget this is the same Alex Rodriguez, who in February 2009 faced the media at the Yankees spring training complex in Tampa Florida. He said then it was another opportunity and would not disappoint anyone again.

He wanted the trust, we gave it to him, and baseball gave it to him again as well. But he was also implicated by obstructing an investigation that MLB commenced against him and other players that were suspended. And those other players took the penalty and stayed away from exercising an appeal for one reason or another.

We all know what has transpired since.

Yet, as it may appear baseball has cleaned its image, the game may still be hanging in the balance to many because Alex Rodriguez has due process and is still on the field. And with all evidence against him, the game is not good until A-Rod is banned because of this latest and worse steroid scandal he created.

Comment Rich Mancuso: Ring786@aol.com Facebook.com/Rich Mancuso

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