Friday, July 26, 2013

Weiner Sticks it Out

Continues to Campaign Here

Photo by Robert Press

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, JULY 26- Candidate for mayor Anthony Weiner came back to Riverdale once again to talk with seniors at the Riverdale Senior Services Center located on Netherland Avenue. He brought with him his story of Grandma Weiner when she lived on Waldo Avenue. The WG stood for Grandma Weiner and not Waldo Gardens he said Grandma Weiner told him.  

After the ice breaker candidate Weiner spoke of Obama Care and his role in helping pass it. Weiner went into several other items that were geared for the mainly senior citizen audience he was standing in front of. After finishing speaking Weiner took some questions from the audience. When asked who he might vote for if not running, Weiner said someone who is a supporter of the middle class like himself, has a history of fighting for seniors, and was a nice guy. 

When it came to funding for seniors that seems to be decreasing each year under Mayor Bloomberg (he was told) Weiner said that he would fight for more funding for senior centers, and "keep the money coming from the Department For The Aging" (DFTA). Weiner then mentioned that all the democratic candidates spent a night in public housing, decrying the New York City Housing Authority management, and calling for the unemployed laborers to help fix up the NYCHA housing.

Weiner lambasted the Rent Guidelines Board when asked about rent stabilized housing saying that unless something is done in 2013/2014 that in 2015 people from outside the city will determine the rent increases again. Weiner also said that the Erstead Law need to be revised since times have changed since that law went into effect. Weiner then took individual questions from the seniors gathered, and toured the Riverdale Senior Services Center with Executive Director Julia Schwartz Leeper.

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