Friday, June 7, 2013

‘No’ For Mayor

Riverdale Report
By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, June 7- On Tuesday May 28th the Ben Franklin Democratic Club held their endorsement meeting to choose their candidate for Mayor, Public Advocate, and two Bronx Civil Court Judges. 

First for Civil Court Judges the BFDC endorsed two judges that the club has endorsed in the past. Judge Larry Schachner and Judge Julia Rodriguez were endorsed for the two Bronx Civil Court Judge positions. Next up was the position of Public Advocate to be considered for endorsement. Councilman G. Oliver Koppell spoke about not endorsing for Public Advocate as the club did four years ago when there was a split amongst the members on just whom to endorse. Koppell however went on to say that the club should also vote not to endorse for mayor. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz spoke next and said that there are seven candidates now running for mayor, and only four for Public Advocate. He then said that the club should vote to endorse for Public Advocate, then decide to endorse or not on the position of mayor. Current State Committeewoman Helen Morik said that she agreed with Councilman Koppell that the club should not endorse for Public Advocate or mayor. Former State Committeewoman Marcia Alina said that if the club does not endorse it would like the club is not participating in the races. A voice vote to endorse or not for the position of Public Advocate was to close to call, and a show of hands decided to endorse for that position. After several speakers in favor of one candidate or for no endorsement option spoke the written ballot for Public Advocate was collected and counting of the ballots began.

It was now time for the BFDC to consider to vote to endorse or not for the position of mayor. Several members spoke about how the club should not endorse for mayor now. Reasons given were that there are seven Democratic candidates now since Anthony Weiner joined the race, the numbers keep changing every day in the race, and one member even said that the club should wait a few weeks because the “Bloodletting would be done by then”. By a voice vote of over 2-1 the BFDC voted not to endorse for the office of Mayor. The results of the club vote for Public Advocate was announced that State Senator Dan Squadron had received 34 of the 53 votes cast. Since the winning margin was over 50 percent of the vote Parliamentarian Bruce Feld stated that no run off vote was needed, and congratulated the club on its choice. Mr. Feld also added that the executive committee of the BFDC could place the question of endorsing for mayor on the club agenda for a later date. The meeting was then adjourned. You can go to my blog at to read more about this story, and see photos of several of the club members as they spoke.

The long awaited decision of are you running for the 11th City Council seat or not Mr. Ari Hoffnung came to a rather quiet endorsement of Andrew Cohen for the 11th City Council seat Monday morning. Hoffnung had only praise for neighbor Andrew Cohen (both live a block away from each other) as Hoffnung said right now is not the time for him to run. He said that his matching funds will go back to the city, but he will keep his campaign account with just under $82,000.00 in it active for a possible future run.

New York State Senate Co-Leader Jeff Klein visited the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy last week to speak with some of the schools students who participated in the Project Boost program. 120 of RKA's high school students were able to visit various colleges through the Project Boost program. Several students said that if not for the program they would not have gotten to visit the various colleges, and see what school life is after high school. Senator Klein said that he is a product of Bronx public schools, and that when he went to Columbia University the tuition was $10,000. He said that tuition at his old school is now over $65,000. He added that he was proud to have given these students a chance to see a part of what college life is about. You can go to my blog to read more on this, and see photos of Senator Klein, RKA Principal Laura O'Mara, and some of the students who participated in this Project Boost program.

The New York City Department of Design & Construction announced at the May Community Board #8 Traffic and Transportation committee meeting that they will be replacing the old water mains in the area from Manhattan College to Riverdale Avenue. This includes Waldo and Greystone Avenues in the area of Manhattan College Parkway, & West 238th Street up to Riverdale Avenue. It was said that the project will begin in late June when the Fieldston school on Waldo Avenue is out, and then continue in July through August after a second project is then finished. People and businesses will be given at least 48 hours advance notice of any water shutdowns to replace the mains on the block, and I have spoken to several merchants in the area who hope that the work can be done in less than one day in their area. More on this in upcoming columns.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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