Thursday, April 11, 2013

Albanymania Cuomo vs. Silver


By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, April 11- Before I get into the headline, Wrestlemania 29 may be history, but more wrestling matches will happen Saturday night as ECPW returns to St. Francis Xavier School in the Bronx. You can go to my blog at to see the full card and where to purchase your tickets to the Smacker-down in the Bronx. Check the March archive section on the left for ECPW Wrestling.

Speaking of battles, it seems that something may be going on in Albany between Andrew “The Bully” Cuomo and Sheldon “The Meek Shall Inherit the World” Silver. With the latest round of State Assembly corruption charges it looks like the perfect opportunity for “Bully Cuomo” to help rid the Assembly of Speaker Silver as is being reported. Cuomo denies that he is trying to replace Silver with an upstate Democrat.

Speaking of speakers, a spokesperson for City Council Speaker Christine Quinn is saying that a special interest group with close ties to current Public Advocate and candidate for mayor Bill DeBlasio, is gearing up a million dollar advertising campaign against Speaker Quinn. The subject of the ads is on overturning term limits. Deblasio's camp fired back with a claim of not knowing anything about the ads, and “nothing undermined our Democratic system more than when Speaker Quinn overturned term limits”.

Republican candidate for mayor Joe Lhota blasted Speaker Quinn on her handling of member items and how her friends got more discretionary money while others got much less. Lhota says that amounts to it being a “slush fund” that Quinn should not be doing that with taxpayer money, and that he will push to have it evenly divided between all the council members. While I am on the subject of Republicans, Mr. John Geary has been announced as the new Bronx Republican County Leader, replacing the former Bronx Republican County leader Jay Savino soon to be residing at Chez Federal Pen. Geary has been a loyal Republican worker at the Bronx Board of Elections.

Mayor Bloomberg is again pushing for non partisan elections after the past weeks flurry of arrests made by the U.S. Attorney's office here. Bloomberg is on the attack saying that most elected officials are stooges of the political party system. He adds that most of their staffers are only on the job as political payback from helping get their boss elected. This comes from a man who made his campaign manager Howard Wolfson a Deputy Mayor.

There are reports that former Congressman (and once favorite candidate for mayor) Anthony Weiner may be running for citywide office. With $4.3 million still in the bank after spending several hundreds of thousands of dollars on polls, Weiner did an interview and is reported to have contacted former staffers to prepare for his reentry into city politics.

On Saturday the newest Essen Medical Center opened up at 1550 University Avenue. This is the seventh health center opened up by Dr. Sumir Sahgal who said that in 1999 he started his first Bronx clinic at 2015 Grand Concourse. Dr. Sahgal said that 40 new jobs at the University Avenue clinic have been created and that he employs over 120 people in all at 6 locations. The clinics are full service, but Dr Sahgal added that he wants to open up an urgent care facility which he said is also needed in the communities he services You can see more of the opening at my blog under the heading “New Clinic Opens” in the archive section on the lower left side of the blog.
State Senator Gustave Rivera was on had to help open this new clinic, and after I patted down the good senator he told me that there are more sophisticated ways of eavesdropping now. He pointed to a State Senate pin that he wears, and started to laugh. Also on hand for the opening was 15th City Council candidate Yudelka Tapia, and I asked her if she was eying a run for the 86th A.D. now that Nelson Castro has stepped down. Tapia said that it is a sad time for her community to have such a thing go on, and that the community needs to heal. Tapia mentioned that several people have called her to ask her to run for the 86th A.D. seat, but she said that she has not decided yet and is continuing her city council race right now. My advice to my good friend and former Parents Association President Ms. Yudelka Tapia is that you should take up the offer to run for the 86th A.D.. You are currently the 86th A.D. Female District Leader, a former parent leader, community activist, and you Yudelka know what is needed most in the 86th A.D.

Don't forget to check my blog at for more on what is in this column, items that may have come in after our deadline, and the many photos of the events covered. If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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