Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bronxites have high hopes for new Pope

Early into his Papacy, Pope Francis is already setting an exciting tone and direction for the Catholic Church. Officials from Fordham University weighed in on his historic election and what’s to come.

"It has been a truly historic day for the Society of Jesus as we learned that our brother, Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio, was selected to lead the Catholic Church as Pope Francis I,” said Rev. Gregory F. Lucey, S.J. President, AJCU. “As Jesuits, we emphasize social justice in our ministry, and we are gratified to have a leader who will continue to live out this mission on a global stage. We pray that the Pope's grounding in Ignatian spirituality will guide him as he carries out this extraordinary calling to lead the Church of the 21st century."


“With the 266th successor to St. Peter now in place in Rome, Pope Francis has already stirred the minds of hearts of people throughout the world,” said Msgr. Joseph G. Quinn, J.D., J.C.L. Vice President, University Mission and Ministry Fordham University. “He is seen as a genuinely humble and holy man of God very much grounded in his spiritual formation and training as a Jesuit. We can only hope and pray that he remains the needed prophetic voice within our midst calling us all to truly live our lives in ever greater imitation of Christ.”


Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. issued the following statement in reaction to the selection of Pope Francis I:


“This is an incredible moment. The Catholic Church has selected Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires to serve as its new pope, Pope Francis I, thus bringing the world the first ever pope of Latin-American heritage.


“The Catholic Church plays an important role in the social and civic fabric of the Bronx and New York City, and today I congratulate the borough’s, and in fact the world’s, Catholic community on this history-making decision.”

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