Friday, March 22, 2013

Bloomberg's Soda Ban Lost it's Fizz

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, March 22- Many people are happy that N.Y. State Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling shot down Mayor Bloomberg's ban on large size sugary soda for one reason or another. 

It is not that the soda is good for you, but its how Mayor Bloomberg went about it Judge Tingling said. I watched The David Letterman Show the night that Judge Tingling stopped the mayor’s soda ban, where Mayor Mikey was going to announce the ban and just how it would go into effect. Letterman blew what could have been his best line in many years by not saying “Gee Mr. Mayor I guess your soda ban lost its fizz”. Instead we heard Mayor Nanny go on about how bad soda with sugar is, how obese people are due to drinking soda with sugar, but the one bright thing to come out of the mayor’s mouth was the fact that more people are now dying of overeating than of starvation. Arguments now coming from people are why is the mayor not going after people who drink alcohol in excess like soda. People get drunk and then can and do hurt others, many who are innocent bystanders.

On the steps of City Hall Sunday afternoon City Comptroller John Liu made it official that he was running for mayor. Liu made some good points in how he has been the watchdog over the city's resources, and how he exposed over billing and fraud such as the CityTime scandal. We hate to see Liu leave the comptroller’s office after doing such a great job in his four short years as comptroller. We also understand that it would be tough to run in four years against an incumbent mayor, and that could be a major reason that Comptroller Liu and Public Advocate DeBlasio are running this year for mayor when both still have another term to serve in their current offices. Mayoral candidate John Liu also made a five borough bus tour ending up in the Bronx at the home of Community Board 8 Vice Chair Maria Kurry in Riverdale. You can check my blog for more details and photos of the Liu Riverdale House event at .

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn must now realize that Bloomberg was only using her as a blocker in the City Council of the bills that the mayor did not want to be voted on, and Quinn will now pay for her allegiance to Mayor Bloomberg. Voters must not forget that it was Speaker Quinn who pushed through the City Council four years ago the mayor's bill to extend term limits so that New Yorkers could enjoy four more years of a Bloomberg/Quinn administration. 

Speaking of mayoral candidates I must ask Adolfo Carrion, “Now that you are not going to get an iota of a chance of getting the Republican line when are you going to end your fantasy of becoming the next mayor”? All you are doing is pulling votes away from the Democratic candidate so another Republican has a better chance of getting elected mayor.

Speaking of elections the money seems to be pouring into the 15th council district, or should I say to the candidates at least. Close to $220,000 has been collected by 8 candidates who filed their March 15th filing with the Campaign Finance Board. Only a little over $32,000 has been spent by the eight candidates, and leading the way with $55,203 on hand is candidate Richie Torres. Torres got a big boost in donations from attendees of Councilman Jimmy Vacca's birthday party at Villa Baron Manor in Throggs Neck. You can read about and view photos of the event in my blog archive section titled Jimmy Vacca birthday party/Richie Torres at

Also in the archive section you can find a story on the fund raiser Albert Alvarez had complete with photos of the “Albert Alvarez shuffle”. Kenny Agosto “The Dancing District Leader” is not the only one who can tear up a dance floor anymore. Getting back to the 15th council race, Mr. William Rivera is second in the money race with $35,003 on hand currently for his campaign. It will take a lot more money than the candidates currently have to win, and the political endorsements are starting to come in. I am hearing some push back though to the Richie Torres campaign about the support of neighboring Councilman Vacca's influence in his backing of the Torres candidacy. I was even told that it may be a good idea to teach Jimmy a lesson by giving him a primary.

Last week the Bronx Chamber of Commerce held its Annual Irish Heritage Luncheon. You can go to my blog to see the honorees and many photos of the event. BCC President Lenny Caro and his staff have done another fine job in this event. You can check the BCC website at for upcoming events in April or check my blog for details as they come in.

Also Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is hosting his Irish Heritage Month Event tonight at the Rambling House in the Woodlawn section of the Bronx. The event starts at 5:30 PM and you must RSVP to the BP's office at 718-590-3989 as space is limited. I will have details of the event on my blog and in next weeks column.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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