Monday, February 4, 2013

Truman HS Student Charged with Throwing Child Off Roof


Child Fights for Life
By David Greene
BRONX, NEW YORK, February 5- A 9-year old child continues to fight for his life after falling from the roof of his Nelson Avenue building, police now say he was thrown from the roof by a teenage neighbor.
According to police, cops and paramedics were called to 1545 Nelson Avenue in the Morris Heights section, at 8:30 p.m., on February 1. Upon their arrival they discovered 9-year-old Freddy Martin, "unconscious and unresponsive," after falling off the 5-story building.
Martin was rushed to Columbia -Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan, where he remains in critical condition, having suffered a broken arm, a broken leg as well as internal bleeding. One unconfirmed report stated the child remains on life-support.
The following day the NYPD would announce the arrest of Martin's neighbor Casmine Aska, 17, who was charged with multiple charges, including one count of attempted murder in the second degree.
After being held for some 20 hours, Aska was escorted out of the 46th Precinct in handcuffs. The teen suspect did not respond to questions shouted by reporters from across the street, but the young man also did not try and hide his face, like many prisoners often do.
Police say Martin managed to tell an officer what happened and reportedly named his assailant, before slipping into unconsciousness.
Police say Aska, a student at Harry S. Truman High School, first told detectives he had nothing to with the child's fall, but later admitted he was on the roof and that the child accidentally fell.
One published report quoting an unnamed police source stated that the teen had four prior arrests for harassment, robbery, menacing and assault. Other published reports stated the teen’s police record was sealed.
Aska was also charged with assault, reckless endangerment and endangering the welfare of a child. Aska was being held without bail. Charges would likely be upgraded to murder if Martin does not survive.   


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