Thursday, February 14, 2013

Forget About That June Primary

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, February 14- Since those new City Council district lines won't be finalized until sometime in March you can forget about a June primary this year. The Board of Elections needs months to make up the new enrollment books, and it is quite possible the books may not be ready for the September primary when petitioning begins in June. 

It appears that current Councilman Jimmy Vacca is trying to increase his sphere of influence beyond his own 13th city council district. In looking at financial disclosure statements for candidates, it appears that the friends of Jimmy Vacca are spreading around the wealth. We have also been told that Councilman Vacca has gotten into the 15th council race by encouraging and even finding a candidate to run. More on that next week along with a recap on the two other open Bronx council seats and mayors race that gets better every day.

Your local community board will be having Public Hearings on the Fiscal Year 2014 Preliminary Budget Capital and Expense budget requests. The explanation is that your local community board has come up with a list of requests for projects that the boards have ranked in order for capital expenditures and service requests that fall into the expense budget. More than often the reply from city agencies is more funding is needed, refer to elected officials. You can call your local community board office for the date of your boards hearing or the Bronx Borough Presidents community board office at 718-590-3500 to find your local community board.

A last reminder that Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will be giving his “State of the Bronx” address on Tuesday February 19th at 11:30 AM in Monroe High School located at 1300 Boyton Avenue. RSVP to or call 718-590-6116.

On Saturday February 23rd the 19th Annual “Bronx Parks Speak Out” will be held at the Lehman College Faculty Dinning room from 11 a.m.– 5 p.m. On the agenda is a mayoral candidates forum: “The Future of Bronx Parks”, and it is expected that most if not all candidates for mayor will attend.

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce will be holding their Annual African American Heritage Celebration on Wednesday February 20th at the F&J Pines located at 1913 Bronxdale Avenue from 11:30 a.m.– 2 p.m. Seating is limited at this event for members and non members, and you must RSVP to or call 718-828-3908. To view the program go to my blog at and scroll down the archive section on the lower left side to BX. Chamber of Commerce Annual African American Her...

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce has also rescheduled its 10th Annual Awards and Scholarship to Thursday Feb 28th at Marina Del Rey. This event was canceled due to Hurricane Sandy, and will benefit the Empire State Sandy Relief Fund. E-mail or call 718-828-3908 for more information or to RSVP. You can also find more information on the Bronx Chamber of Commerce website at .

Don't forget to check my blog at for daily information that may come in after our deadline, more details on events listed here, and some of the photos of the events. On my blog the past week were updates on the impending blizzard from the City of New York, the full announcement by the USPS to eliminate Saturday mail delivery, Comptroller Liu rejecting the $91 million Muller Army Reserve Center contract along with comments from Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., and many other announcements and items of interest to all Bronxites You can scroll down the archive section on the lower left side to find the listing of the many different items that are on the blog.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog, you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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