Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Winners & Losers 2012

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, January 2- Losers in 2012. I am going to start with the real losers of 2012, and save the politicians for last. The biggest losers were the people who were affected by Hurricane Sandy, because there were so many of them. Some are still without homes that were either ruined or are uninhabitable, and have lost almost everything they had. Many other people citywide and beyond were losers when the transit system relied upon every day went down. Tunnels as well as many lower Manhattan buildings were flooded, and power was lost for more than a week in many areas. New York City lost umpteen millions of dollars in revenue, and the lasting damage of Hurricane Sandy to the tune of over $60 million in federal aid to the tri-state area is still being felt.

The biggest loser in sports is a toss up between the National Hockey League and Lance Armstrong. While the Yankees may have won their division they were losers in the playoffs. However even bigger losers were the Boston Red Sox who finished in last place in the division. The Red Sox team was partly dismantled during the past season, and one has to wonder how the 2013 Yankee team will look like let alone perform. Staying in baseball the 2012 Mets were losers, and their prospects for 2013 look worse since losing their number one “Cy Young Award” winning pitcher. The New Jersey Jets were losers, because it didn't matter who was at quarterback since all three were trounced by the opposing defense.

Turning to politics the biggest loser has to be New York State Senate Democrats. While the official election results are still unknown two months later, unofficially Democrats had either a 33-30 or 32-31 lead after election day in the state senate. So how will Republican State Senator Dean Skellows be sworn in as Senate Majority Leader? While the names may change Democrats who were incarcerated in 2012 was former Brooklyn State Senator Carl Kruger. Democrats who were convicted in 2012 and will be sent to jail in 2013 are former Bronx State Senator Pedro Espada Jr., and former Bronx Councilman Larry Seabrook. Others like former Queens State Senator Shirley Huntley (indicted three weeks before her primary), and former Bronx Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera (involved in several investigation for alleged wrongdoing) lost their primary elections in 2012.

Winners in 2012. We have to start at the top, and say President Barrack Obama has to be the biggest winner on his re-election as president. Staying in politics locally newly elected Assemblymen Mark Gjonaj (80 A.D.) and Luis Sepulveda (87 A.D.) were big winners. Gjonaj for beating an incumbent who was endorsed by almost every Bronx elected official and the Bronx Democratic County organization, not to mention being the daughter of the former Bronx Democratic County Leader. Sepulveda for his huge victory over the former Chief of Staff to the previous assemblyman. In the special election to replace convicted former Councilman Larry Seabrook was new Councilman Andy King who brings much promise to the area he now represents. The people of the Bronx were winners when current Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. announced that he will be running for re-election in 2013.

Other winners on the short list in 2012 include NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly for the continued low levels of crime in the city. Derek Jeter for the better than average season he had in 2012, as he was the spark plug that drove the hitting engine. The Washington Nationals baseball team, who in two short years went from a last place division team to the best record in the 2012 baseball season. The final winners are all the people who helped, and are still helping in the recovery of Hurricane Sandy.

While you may think I left out a name you can e-mail it to me. Next week I will have things to look forward to in 2013 like a Democratic mayor being elected. Don't forget to check my blog at for updates, late arriving news, or items that may not have made it into this column.

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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