Thursday, January 10, 2013

Political Field's Starting to Get Crowded in 2013


By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, January 10- With many elected positions becoming vacant finally due to term limits at the end of this year, the field of candidates to replace most those term limited officials is growing. 

Starting with the mayor’s race on the Democratic side City Comptroller John Liu, Public Advocate Bill deBlasio, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, and Former City Comptroller Bill Thompson have been joined by another Democrat (and also past mayoral candidate) former Brooklyn Councilman Sal Albanese. Albanese could take away some of the Quinn vote with his noted support on the issue of Gay Rights, and his pro-stance on the issue of term limits while in the city council. Speaker Quinn was leading in the early polls for mayor on the Democratic side, but now as some of the other potential candidates for mayor have dropped out Quinn is now in second place to undecided by several percentage points. She still has has hefty lead over the other democratic candidates.

On the Republican side, former Bronx BP Adolfo Carrion has been joined by several higher profile candidates with former MTA head Joe Lhota being the latest to jump in. Other high profile candidates include George McDonald (founder of the Doe Fund, and good friend of current mayor Michael Bloomberg), supermarket magnate John Catsimatidis (who like Bloomberg has deep pockets of money), and others like Manhattan media CEO Tom Allon, and former Democratic State Senate Leader Malcolm Smith have also made overtures to the tune of possible Republican runs for mayor.

While the race for Bronx Borough President should be a solo race as current Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr. has two terms still as Bronx BP, it is not the same in term limited Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan (but who cares in those boroughs). Turning to Bronx city council races in the 11th to replace term limited Councilman G. Oliver Koppell currently there are two announced candidates, with a few other potential but not probable names. The 12th should be a contest again this year for Andy King who was just elected in November to replace former Councilman Larry Seabrook who should have a new residence in Chez Federal Pen. King has not been able to get his feet wet in the district, and will be running against several candidates again. Jimmy Vacca 13th and Annabel Palma 18th should get a free ride in their last terms, while Fernando Cabrera 14th could see a major challenge if Assemblyman Jose Rivera is true to his words of wanting to finish out his political career as a city councilman. The 15th to replace term limited Councilman Joel Rivera is the big race this year with as many as ten people possibly going for this seat, with the name of Bronx Democratic County Committee Executive Director Ischia Bravo now being mentioned. I asked Ms. Bravo about her running in the 15th recently, and she said that there is a good possibility of it happening. In the16th where Councilwoman Foster will be term limited out, the rumor is that Assemblywoman Vanessa Gibson should be seeking that seat, and a host of others that should drop out if Gibson does enter that race. In the 17th (Arroyo who still has one term) and 8th (which has a small part of the Bronx) no one knows what those districts will look like, as the redistricting commission has been asked to redraw the lines again. I caught up with Councilwoman Viverito (8th) at an event and asked her if her current Manhattan district was to be made a Bronx district for Bronx Democratic County Leader Carl Heastie's support of Speaker Quinn's campaign for mayor. Councilwoman Viverito was very candid in saying that yes indeed that there was politics involved in the redrawing of her district lines.

In other political news this month, newly elected Assemblymen Luis Sepulveda (87th A.D.) will have his swearing in at St. Raymond’s School auditorium (Tremont and Purdy Ave.) on Saturday January 12th starting at 12 p.m. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj (80th A.D.) will have his swearing in at Columbus High School (925 Astor Avenue) on Sunday January 13th at 2 p.m. 

Don't forget to check my blog at for the story on and many photos of the Annual Three Kings Celebration by Senator Ruben Diaz Sr., Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda, and the New york Hispanic Clergy Organization. The Three Kings, Santa Claus, and several elected officials or candidates for office were in attendance, and some may have been wondering where their present from Santa or the Three Kings was. Also on the blog are other interesting items such as a link to mayoral candidate Adolfo Carrion's first campaign expenditure disclosure, how much has been spent in less than two short months, and which family member is on the Carrion for Mayor payroll.
If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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