Friday, January 25, 2013

Management stonewalls on bank robbery


Police know nothing
About bank robbery

By Michael Horowitz

BRONX, NEW YORK, January 25- How could public-information officers for the NYPD know nothing about the bank robbery that took place in Co-op City on Tuesday afternoon?Well, a spokesman for the NYPD said, this week, that the police don't get reports of all bank robberies.

Co-op City's Public Safety Department, whose officers reportedly arrested a baby-faced robber on Tuesday afternoon, routinely refers all calls from City News to the Management Office, where employees, other than Herbert Freedman and Riverbay Executive General Manager Vernon Cooper, are instructed to say nothing to City News.

Christopher Hagedorn, editor and publisher of City News, said, this week, “Gathering information in Co-op City has become a big joke. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Freedman think that they can stop the flow of information for shareholders by stonewalling us, even when what happened seemingly makes them look good. We have to hear, from second hand sources, that Public Safety officers made an important arrest in a case that makes the Public Safety Department and its officers look good.”

Hagedorn added, “I am dumbfounded that the police don't seem to know anything about a bank robbery that took place in Co-op City on Tuesday afternoon. The attitude of the police, as expressed by their spokesman, reflected a general attitude that the police could care less about what happens in Co-op City.”

Riverbay board member Daryl Johnson, the original City News source for the newspaper's story on the robbery at the Amalgamated Bank branch at Bartow Avenue, said, Wednesday, “I take this opportunity to praise the Public Safety Department and its officers for their impressive work in apprehending the bank robber, who was caught after a dye pack exploded amidst the stolen cash he had been given. Thank goodness, we have a Public Safety Department that responds quickly and efficiently to crimes that are committed in our community.”

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