Friday, January 25, 2013

Bills stained in dye


Public Safety officers arrest teen bank robber

By Michael Horowitz

BRONX, NEW YORK, January 25- Officers from Co-op City's Public Safety Department, Tuesday afternoon, arrested a 15-year-old boy shortly after he reportedly robbed the Amalgamated Bank in the Bartow Avenue Shopping Center.

The baby-faced boy, identified by police sources as Tahlem Hart, was apprehended after a dye pack, which a bank teller placed amidst stolen money, literally blew up in the suspect's face, the New York Post reported.

There were unconfirmed reports, early this week, that a second suspect involved in the bank robber was still at-large.

Public Safety officers, who routinely refer all calls from City News to the Management Office, couldn't be reached for comment this week. Riverbay Executive General Vernon Cooper and Herbert Freedman also failed to return calls and e-mail on Wednesday.

The New York Post reported, Wednesday, that Hart presented a note to the teller he confronted, warning that he had a bomb.

The teller secretly stuffed a dye pack between stacks of bills and handed them over to Hart, the Post reported.

As Hart dashed away from the bank, the dye pack detonated in a bag that had $1,000 in stolen cash in it, the Post reported.

Public Safety officers ran over and started picking up the bills, which were stained with red dye, Seisung Kim, the owner of the Soul Station clothing store near the Amalgamated Bank said.
Kim told the Post, “These kids today are so stupid. How did he think he would get away with robbing a bank? The teller was very smart to do what she did.”

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