Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Power is Back on As Garbage Piles Up

Riverdale Report

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, November 12- With the last section of Fieldston having power restored, the Riverdale area may have only a few isolated blocks left that still may have no power. We saw a truck from Canada with “Hydro Quebec” on the side going down Riverdale Avenue over the weekend. 

Another strange sight was a Muni Meter with only its base left, as the top was taken off by a fallen tree that came right down on the Muni Meter. The other problem that has been caused by Hurricane Sandy is that the Sanitation Department has been ordered by the mayor to stop picking up recyclables and garbage so areas that were devastated can be cleared out. You can go to my blog at to see photos of the recyclables and garbage that has piled up by a few buildings in the Amalgamated Houses, That poor Muni Meter that had its head taken off by a fallen tree, and the “Hydro Quebec” truck from Canada.

It didn't matter where you were from as it took almost two weeks for part of Sedwick Avenue, and the area of Fieldston in Riverdale (with its million-dollar plus homes) to have power restored. It also did not matter who you were as Councilman G. Oliver Koppell (a resident of Fieldston) had no power for almost two weeks. Even the elite section of Country Club in Councilman Jimmy Vacca's district was without power for over a week as was Councilman Vacca.

Covering election day there were long lines at some poll sites as those who only vote in a presidential election were unfamiliar with the new voting machines. There were also some displaced voters who did not understand who they could vote for and who they could not. It was however a great turnout, and the Board of Elections did a fine job considering the circumstances it had to deal with. The BOE was lucky that there were no close local elections, and that the politicians sent out enough mailers to inform voters of their races. 

It looks like new Riverdale State Senator Jeff Klein could hold the fate of the State Senate with his four person Independent Democratic Conference, as the outcome of which party controls the state senate is up in the air due to the closeness of one race. In the new 46th Senate District that was created during redistricting Democrat Cecella Tkaczk leads by 139 votes over Republican George Amedore. Now the Absentee and other paper ballots that may exist have to be counted, and with court challenges most likely by both Democrats and Republicans the winner may not be known until some time early in 2013.

On Sunday November 18th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. the Riverdale Temple located at 4545 Independence Avenue (corner West 246th Street) will be holding a “Holiday Gift & Craft Sale”. There is free parking, and for vendor information you can contact Rita: or call (718) 614-4932 or Deb: (718) 548-3800 ext. 0 or 1.

Don't forget to check my blog for updates on these stories, new events, and other items or photos that may come in after our deadline. If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at Or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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