Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ministers teaming up for storm-relief effort


By Michael Horowitz

BRONX, NEW YORK, November 21- Rev. Robert Smith Jr., of the Church of the Savior said, this week, that he and Rev. Okleif Erundu, of the Co-op City Seventh Day Adventist Church, are teaming up to aid victims of Hurricane Sandy, some of whom live near the local community.
The ministers are spearheading a collection drive focusing on the collection of clothing and non-perishable food to be given to the storm's victims.

City Councilman James Vacca, who represents a district in the northeast Bronx that encompasses City Island, Locust Point, Throggs Neck, and Pelham Bay, has said that 60 percent of those living in his district were affected by the hurricane.

Vacca is among the elected officials who have been especially active in spearheading efforts aimed at aiding the storm victims.
“The images of the victims of Hurricane Sandy are the kind of thing that keeps me up at night,” Rev. Smith stressed, in a telephone interview this week.  “It is the kind of thing that I feel compelled to respond to. When I see human suffering, I feel compelled to do whatever I can to ease the suffering.”

To contact Rev. Smith, call him at the Church of the Savior at (718 320-0002, or on his cellphone, at (917) 734-4058.

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