Thursday, November 15, 2012

King plans effort to assess needs of Council district

By Michael Horowitz
BRONX, NEW YORK, November 15- City Councilman-Elect Andy King, showing that he is not someone who is obsessed with his own importance, said, this week, that he plans to engage in a comprehensive effort aimed at determining the issues and concerns his constituents would like him to address.
The way to do this, King noted, is to hold town-hall meetings and smaller and more intimate meetings involving community people in the neighborhoods that make up the 12th Councilmanic District.
“I am deeply committed to the notion that I am here to save constituents of the 12th Councilmanic District,” King stressed.
The successful candidate added, “There is no easy way to do this. It's going to take hard work and constant interaction with the people in the neighborhoods I represent, but I know that I'm up to the task at hand.”
King stressed, “I don't purport to know, for sure, what the constituents of the 12th Councilmanic District want me to do. I might find out, after meeting with my constituents, that they have different concerns than the concerns that I have.”
The Councilman-Elect noted, “I suspect that the people of the 12th Councilmanic District are concerned about jobs and employment opportunities, educational opportunities for people of all ages, healthier choices of foods in our neighborhood supermarkets, and paid sick leave and the institution of a living wage for those who work in jobs in New York City.”
King emphasized, “Change is coming to the 12th Councilmanic District, and I want to be part of that change. I am deeply humbled by the trust the voters have placed in me, and intend to live up to their high expectations for my tenure in office.”

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