Monday, November 5, 2012

Fuming Mad

Gas Lines Stretch Throughout Bronx

BRONX, NEW YORK, November 5- All weekend long Bronxites became part of the big wait as gas lines stretched for blocks at a time. At a BP station in Pelham Bay, empty cars snaked around the block waiting for the fuel truck to deliver the desperately needed gas. At another station, the line stretched from Westchester Square, past Lehman High School and down past the East Tremont Diner.

In Williamsbridge, drivers did not even try to wait on line at the closed gas stations which were left powerless after a transformer fire. Across the street from the stations, a utility pole snapped and a transformer crashed to the ground next to the local McDonald’s. The destruction left Pathmark and other local stores in the dark. With little power, the supermarket disposed of all meat, produce and frozen food. Shoppers could only by canned and packaged goods.

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