Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Good, The Bad  & the Zombies

(Photos by Robert Press and Ken Carozza)

Comic Con 2012 – Review
By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, October 15- If you did not attend the sold out Comic Con 2012 here is just a little recap of what you missed. 

As soon as you got near the Javits Center you entered another dimension. A dimension of comic characters coming to life as many Comic Con 2012 attendees were dressed as their favorite comic characters for the daily costume contest. There were the usual Supermen & Supergirls, Batmen & Robins, Vampires & Zombies, many of the new comic characters, and even characters that were made up that people might want to see. When I asked some people why they came in their outfits, the answer was “This is the only time other than Halloween that I can dress up like this”.

While there were dozens and dozens of booths selling comics going back to first issues of almost any and every comic book printed, and artists signing and posing for pictures. Comic Con 2012 was more than just comics. There were “Spotlight Comic Guests”, “Featured Comic Guests” “Spotlight Entertainment Guests”, (such as Adam West T.V.'s 
original Batman, Julianne Moore of Carrie, Kevin Bacon of the Following, Vanessa Williams of 666 Park Avenue, Christopher Lloyd of Back to the Future fame, Lou Ferrigno of the Hulk fame, WWE star Booker T, and Divas Kelly Kelly and the Bella Twins Brie and Nikki, and former boxer/wrestler Butterbean to name only a few. Each day was a different line up of stars and characters.

I went Friday and went back on Sunday to the Javits center for “Kids Day”. Sunday was the most crowded as line waits were about one half an hour or more at several “hot” booths. On Sunday three stars of wrestling Tito Santana, Brutis “The Barber” Beefcake, and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, were taking photos with the attendees. Greg Valentine appeared in April at St. Francis Xavier “Wrestling Night” event in the Morris Park area of the Bronx. Also with a Bronx connection was Gregory Lamberson author of the “FRENZY WAR”, who with his Bronx partner Marc Makowski made the “SLIME CITY” cult film series of movies.

You can go to my blog at to see photos of Comic Con 2012 for Friday and Sunday at posts that are sandwiched around the Liberty Democratic Club 5th Annual Award Dinnerand post. Check the archive section for other items that were related to Comic Con 2012. People who attended Comic Con 2012 said that they can not wait for Comic Con 2013.

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