Monday, October 22, 2012

Prez Race is Even

By Robert Press

BRONX, NEW YORK, October 18- The second debate between the presidential candidates was won by incumbent Democrat President Barack Obama.
You could see the Republican challenger Romney in a snowball fight without his “MITTS”. This time it was Democrat Obama who outwitted “MITT”. Romney was off his form of the first debate as there was a different moderator who kept control of this debate. The rust was taken off President Obama, and he looked like the Obama who won the debates in 2008. The third and final debate is after our deadline so next week we will tell you who we thought the winner of that debate was, and who we think will win the election. Right now it appears to be “EVEN UP” between the two candidates.

Saturday was the Annual Mosholu Parkway “Spruce and Clean Up” by the Bedford Mosholu Community Association. BMCA President Barbara Stronzer had her usual crew along Mosholu Parkway raking, painting, and planting flowers. This year however four generations of the Gjonaj family were on hand to help. New 80th A.D. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj brought his 87 year old grandfather Ejlu, mother Rosa, wife Roberta, sons Nicholas & Joseph, and a few more nieces and nephews. You can go to my blog at to see some photos of the event and the four generations of the Gjonaj family.

The Bronx Chamber of Commerce is celebrating 118 years of service to the Bronx. The BCC will be holding their “10th Annual Awards & Scholarship Banquet on Thursday November 1st at Marina Del Rey. Cocktails begin at 5:30 PM with dinner to follow later. To purchase tickets or for further information you can call BCC at 718-828-3900, or e-mail

Distinguished past honorees include Fordham University, Manhattan College, Calvary Hospital, The New York Yankee Organization, George, Hank, & Jennifer Steinbrenner, Mr. Reggie Jackson, Mr. Randy Levine, Mr. Ray Negron, Anheuser Busch, The Bronx Zoo, The Bronx Botanical Garden, and Mr. Regis Philben to name only a few. This year is a tribute to BCC founder Elias Karmon, who in 2002 helped resurrect the BCC from its then dormant stage. Mr. Elias Karmon passed away in 2008 at the age of 98, and was known as “MR. BRONX”.

Finally, I want to say when are we going to get Channel 11 back on Cablevision? It is now over 3 months, and Cablevision has substituted various different programming in place of WPIX TV while the two companies dispute. Where are our elected officials & the FCC, and is Cablevision in a breech of contract to carry local channels. If the latter is true, then let’s open up the cable television area covered by Cablevision to any and all cable television companies that will carry the local channels in addition to Cablevisions only competition Verizon Fios that is not available yet in many areas of the Bronx. We have had enough of Cablevision’s imposed blackouts while they try to get more money from suppliers and subscribers. Congress needs to look into this matter and the sooner the better. By the way Cablevision does not have an exclusive right to the Bronx. There are four buildings that are in the Bronx which are part of the Marble Hill Houses that are serviced by Time Warner Cable. If Time Warner Cable services those four Bronx buildings why can't other Bronxites then get Time Warner Cable?

If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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