Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Disbarred Lawyer Convicted of Bilking Clients Out of $53 Grand

BRONX, NEW YORK, October 24- District Attorney Robert T. Johnson announced that a 45-year-old woman has been convicted of grand larceny and practicing law without a license.

The jury convicted Kehinde Jobi, of Crotona Avenue, on two counts of grand larceny in the third degree, one count of grand larceny in the fourth degree and eight counts of judicially disbarred attorney practicing law, after deliberating for less than one day.

Acting State Supreme Court Justice Martin Marcus set sentencing for November 7, 2012 in Part H78. Jobi is being held without bail until sentencing and is facing 5 to 15 years imprisonment.

On October 23, 2008, the defendant was suspended from practicing law in New York State however she continued to represent herself as an attorney. Jobi stole more than $53,000 from 10 victims and represented clients in other proceedings involving a divorce, a bankruptcy and one case involving the guardianship of an elderly woman.

All of the crimes occurred at the defendant’s law office located at 95 East 161st Street, in the Bronx.  

The case was investigated by Detective Roger Archer of the Bronx DA’s Detective Investigator Unit. 

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