Monday, October 15, 2012

Blown Call

More than a blown call that has the Yankees against the wall as they leave for Detroit down, 2-0

By Rich Mancuso
BRONX, NEW YORK, October 15- Cleary it was a blown call that was unacceptable in the Tigers eighth inning at Yankee Stadium Sunday in Game 2 of the American League Championship Series. Robinson Cano, in his own slump could not change it and neither could Yankees manager Joe Girardi.
But the call with two outs, that led to a two- run Detroit Tigers inning leads to questions about expanding the instant replay rule in baseball, and the continuing failure of the Yankees to hit and score runs.
Replay is another issue that may have to eventually be dealt with. For now, as the Yankees head to Detroit, trailing 2-0 in the best of seven series, their backs are against the wall and Girardi may be out of answers.
There is no telling what the result would have been had the Cano call at second to get Omar Infante went differently. With the Yankees bats going sour at the wrong time, that comeback seen so often in the Bronx during that four-time championship reign has been a futility.
But that call also opened the door for two more Tigers runs. And a one-run game may have been easier for the Yankees to overcome in the eighth inning than trailing by three.
“We have to make adjustments,” said Girardi about his team with a .205 batting average in seven post season games with the Baltimore Orioles and Tigers. “We are more than capable of scoring runs. We have done it before.”
It may mean Girardi sits Nick Swisher and his four hits in 26 at bats, along with eight strikeouts in the post season. Cano, batting .083 is hard to comprehend. However, this was a continuing problem for the Yankees the entire season with a few spurts of enthusiasm coming from their bats in late August and September.
“There is nothing you can do but keep your approach,” commented Cano who batted at a .615 clip at the end of the season. The funk now has him hitless in 26 at bats in the post season, whether or not he is hitting the ball and not getting the hit.

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