Monday, August 20, 2012

Will DOT Plan Cause a Headache for Riverdale?

Riverdale Report
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, August 20- On Tuesday night August 14th There was a special meeting of the Traffic & Transportation Committee of Community Board 8 to see a proposal by the DOT on how they were going to make the Broadway corridor safer from West 242nd Street to the city line with Yonkers. 
The proposal was sent to the Community Board by DOT for the members of the committee to view and then have comments ready at the meeting. Being a member of the committee I received the proposal on August 7th from the community board office, and in order not to create a conflict of interest I could not mention it to anyone outside of the committee. I could therefore not do any reporting on the proposal by DOT until after the August 14th meeting, which is what I am doing. I was surprised to see in the Thursday August 9th edition of the Riverdale Press a story about the DOT proposal, saying that it was obtained by The Press, and giving some exact details that were in the proposal. I received a call from a newspaper reporter for the Riverdale Review asking me to see the proposal, and asking how the competing local newspaper got the report, also saying that DOT told her they only gave the proposal to the community board. I said that I could not show or talk about the DOT proposal until the August 14th meeting, that I did not know how the competing newspaper obtained the report, and that she should ask the Community Board 8 chairperson Mr. Robert Fanuzzi how the paper obtained the DOT proposal since he has announced in the past that the media should only go through him for any requests for community board information or for answers to questions about the board.
As for the DOT proposal, the main theme is to narrow the travel lanes and to make the curb parking lane wider. This according to DOT will slow traffic and make Broadway safer as they have done to other streets around the city. I had several questions including that it looked like DOT was leaving room for a bicycle lane to be put in at a future time (not that I am against bike lanes), where as DOT Bronx Commissioner Connie Moran said that there is no plan to put any bike lane there. I said that the proposal does nothing at West 242nd Street to stop the deadheading of Westchester buses in the city bus stop forcing the city bus to load and unload in the one (middle) northbound lane while the other lane is for left turns only as shown by an illustration in the proposal. I also had concerns about vehicles crossing over the narrow yellow lane as they went around double parked buses by the sports fields or curves in the road, and was told that it would not happen. Another concern was that the dangerous corner of Broadway and Mosholu Avenue was not addressed by the proposal, and again was told that narrowing the lanes would take care of that. When the vote came to approve the DOT proposal, I abstained because I believe that the DOT proposal does not address all the issues.
You can go to my blog at to see this weeks list of events that will be going on at Wave Hill. Wave Hill is a 28-acre public garden and cultural center overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades.
Tuesday night August 28th is the date for a “Free Summer Concert In Seton Park” by hit singer Gloria Gayner. The concert is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. (you may want to bring a chair or blanket) and is being sponsored by Senator Jeff Klein as one of his many Summer Concerts being held throughout his district. Seton Park is located at Independence Avenue and West 232nd street, and the repaving of Independence Avenue has been completed. You can call 800-718-2039 for more information on this or other Summer Concerts by Senator Klein.
If you have any comments about this column or would like to have an event listed or covered in this column or on my blog you can e-mail us at or call 718-644-4199 Mr. Robert Press.

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