Monday, August 13, 2012

Cougar Gate!

Could This Be The End For The Rivera Dynasty?
(Facebook photos of Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera with her boyfriend/staffer and another with an unidentified woman.)
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, August 13- Could Cougar Gate torpedo the Rivera political dynasty? The fallout from a Facebook page showing Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera in skimpy clothing and talking about her boy toy have constituents wondering if the Morris Park pol’s days are number. 
In addition, officials are looking into why the elected official put her “Hunky Babe,” on payroll for her office even though he worked full time for the Department of Education. 
In what could be larger than the Congressman Weiner scandal, a Sunday New York Post article exposed a secret Facebook page that Bronx Assemblywoman Naomi D. Rivera had where she is just known as Daniela Rivera her middle name. The Post article says that the Facebook page is devoted to a man complete with dozens of photos of her in various poses with her “Hunky Babe,” who was put on her payroll as a full time staffer (according to NYS Comptroller DiNapoli's office, and Assembly records) while he was a full time teacher in Brooklyn. 
The Post article also shows a photo of Assemblywoman Rivera dressed in skimpy clothes with another woman. The Post article continues to say that the man is now seeking a soon to be vacant City Council seat in Williamsburg Brooklyn. It is said that the man did not return calls, and the Post says that Assemblywoman Naomi D. Rivera denied that he had a no show job, but did not respond to requests for an accounting of his work and hours. The Facebook page in question has since been taken down.
We have been told to look into Assemblywoman Rivera's expense reimbursements, because we were told that she may have put in for expenses when she was not in Albany. We tried calling her office and could not get any comment by our deadline. We also called several of Assemblywoman Rivera’s supporters on the Facebook article, again not getting much more than no comment, so she has a Facebook page, and most people do. An interesting curve here is that early last week we were told by a colleague of hers that her father Assemblyman Jose Rivera was in Florida. We were wondering why her father, who also has a primary less than one month from now, would be out of town. We were told that he was at the home of a close friend resting from the stress of several things that has occurred the past two weeks. We called Assemblyman Jose Rivera's office and were told that yes he was in Florida, and was okay when we asked about his health.
There are people who now are calling for not only Assemblywoman Naomi D. Rivera to resign, but also for her father Assemblyman Jose Rivera to step down. The elder Rivera boasted on NY1 Noticias “Pura Polital” that among other things that he wants to run for the city council next year to increase his pension. A city council member makes up to $50,000 a year more than an assemblyman. 
Go to my blog at for the link to the New York Post article on Naomi Daniela Rivera.! Your Online Store for Licensed NFL Apparel! Click Here! 517898_rachel 169086_15% off sitewide with code SCHOOL15C and 20% off for Rewards Members with SCHOOL20C. 8669_Verizon Wireless Deals Central for you and your family!

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