Friday, June 8, 2012

Supersized Soda Smack?

Candidate Says Soda is Like Heroin

By Michael Horowitz
BRONX, NEW YORK, June 8- City Council candidate Andy King said, this week, that sugared sodas and beverages have become like heroin in black and Latino communities.
For this reason, King, a long-time organizer of hospital and health-care workers, said he strongly supports restrictions on the sale of soda in restaurants, delis, and movie theaters throughout the city.
“Sugared soda is making people in our communities very sick,” King stressed, in a telephone interview. “Those who say Mayor Bloomberg is a nanny for supporting restrictions on the sale of soda should come with me when I talk to teenagers and young adults who are suffering from diabetes and other ailments that are caused by the soda we drink and the junk food we eat because it is readily available in our delis.”
King added, “No one needs to drink a 32-ounce sugared beverage. If people don't know how bad it is for them, they need to be educated. In the meantime, we need to take strong and aggressive steps to prevent the onset of early diabetes and high blood pressure in our communities.”
The Council candidate noted, “We need to insist that stores in our neighborhoods carry more fresh fruits and vegetables, and we need to insist that our delis carry them. With our eating and drinking habits the way they are now, many people, including many of those living in communities of color, are killing themselves.”
Under the circumstances, King insisted, it is just as reasonable to ban sales of large soda beverages as it is to ban the sale of heroin in many communities.
King emphasized, “We shouldn't be eating so much stuff that is eating away at our esophagus's. Under the circumstances, people in our city need help from city officials in terms of making healthy choices in what they eat and drink. Those who say Mayor Bloomberg is a nanny for suggesting that we need restrictions on the sale of soda really don't fully comprehend what's happening in our communities.”

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