Thursday, August 6, 2015

BP Pushes Offense in Fighting #Legionnaires Outbreak

BP Pushes Offense in Fighting #Legionnaires Outbreak 

BRONX, NEW YORK (BRONX NEWS)- Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is calling for new legislation that is proactive in preventing the spread of diseases such as Legionnaires Disease as New York City deals with the outbreak of the virus afflicting the city.

"It is encouraging that Mayor de Blasio has joined my call for new legislation in response to this current outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease," said Diaz. "As the scope and depth of the outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease in the South Bronx came into focus last week, I proposed new legislation that would allow the city to be proactive-and not reactive-to such outbreaks. Together, with Council Member Vanessa Gibson, we are introducing legislation creating an inspection mechanism for those systems where Legionnaires' Disease can thrive and to ensure appropriate follow-up inspections so that the disease does not return."

Legionnaire's Disease has made 86 people sick in the borough and claimed the lives of seven Bronxites since the outbreak was discovered. The disease is waterborne and cannot be passed from one person to another, transmitted by the inhalation of aerosolized water or soil contaminated with the bacteria. The bacteria to thrives in hot-water tanks, cooling towers and evaporative condensers of large air-conditioning systems like those commonly found in hotels and large office buildings.

The elderly, smokers and those with chronic lung disease are the most vulnerable to the disease.

Bronx Borough President Diaz believes the outbreak could have been prevented with more stringent inspections of cooling towers in air conditioning systems and Water systems in hotels, hospitals and nursing homes.

"It is the responsibility of government to protect the health and well-being of the public, and this common sense proposal will help do just that," said Borough President Diaz. "During the course of our actions fighting the Legionnaire's Disease outbreak in The Bronx, it has been revealed that there is no inspection mechanism for coolant systems, rooftop water tanks and other standing water infrastructure that could be a breeding ground for this disease and others. The city must create a new inspection system for these systems, just as we inspect other critical systems such as elevators."


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